fan fiction scrollThe Dark Side Of Love

 Exile (Male/Dark Side)HK-47Revan (Male/Dark Side)

He knew that he had to do it. He did not want her to see him like this. He had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force. He had to hide his features from her. The Dark Side had taken over. But when he was alone and looked in the mirror, the truth was looking right back at him!

The Dark Side of the Force was corrupting him! His face had become ash white. His veins were starting to show on him. His eyes had become yellow. He was using the Force to hide this from everyone, including from the one that he loved! He knew he could not keep it up much longer and he knew that she would not accept him like this. He had to end this quickly!

He’d manged to hide himself in the Force. He was able to sneak into her room on board the Ebon Hawk. He managed to come up behind her while putting a mental Force Shield around the two of them so anyone else who was Force Sensitive would not know what was going to happen next. He wrapped his arms around her, and said “You konw that I love you.”

“I was wondering when you were goint to tell me that.” She replied.

“Then you know why I’m sorry that I have to do this.” He put one hand over her mouth and grabbed his lightsaber with the other hand, and placed the lightsaber over her heart!

Her eyes grew wide as the blade went though her chest. He deactivated the saber, and she fell to the floor of her room. He had motioned for HK-47 to come over.

HK-47 stirred to life and then moved towards his Master.

“Query Statement: Yes Master.”

“I want you to get rid of the body.” He sighed. “Then I want you, T3, and the Mandalorian to start getting rid of everyone else on this ship!” He told HK.

HK-47 said “Enjoyous Statement: With pleasure Master. I cannot wait to eliminate the rest of these Meatbags for you Master! I will get the short, ineffective, overweight glob of grease Droid, and the Mandalorian Meatbag to help in this wonderfull assignment that you have given me.” HK then left to carry out his assignments.

He knew that there was no turning back now. He would be forever alone in the Dark Side of the Force. He wondered what his Old Master would think of him now, and the path he had taken. He knew that once the others had done what he wanted, he woul dhave to kill the Mandalorian too.

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