fan fiction scrollThe Sound of Revenge Chapter 28

 Star Wars

Notes: Listening to the Frays album, How To Save a Life (I LOVE THEM!!!!). Don’t ask why this one is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo super short!!

The Sound of Revenge

Chapter 28


Andria had trouble sleeping that night. She tossed and turned untill she finally got up. Not only was she worried about Aiedail, but also Hunter. Andria swept off to the next room. She turned on the transmitter and called Carth.


Carth was fast asleep. Even though it had been 10 years since Revan’s death, he still couldn’t believe she was gone. After she died, he didn’t think he could take care of Hunter, that is, before Hunter became Jedi.

The trasmitter beeped loudly throwing Carth out of his bed. He got up and turned the trasmitter on.

“Good morning Carth. Did you have a good sleep.”

“I was.” Carth said yawning.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Why can’t you talk to, Atton?”

“Because I need to talk to you.”

“Um, okay.”

“I’m worried… about Hunter.”


“I’m just affraid he might get hurt trying to find Aiedail.”

“I’m almost certain he won’t get hurt.”

“But if he does?”

Carth didn’t say anything.

“I’m just worried.” Andria said almost crying.

“About Aiedail?”

“Hunter and Aiedail.”

“Don’t worry. They’ll be okay.”

Andria brushed away the tears seeping down her cheaks, “I hope.”

“You should get to sleep.”

“Good night, Carth.”

“Night’, Anne.”

The transmitter switched off and Carth crawled back into his bed and drifted off into a nice slumber.


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6 Responses to “The Sound of Revenge Chapter 28”

  1. okay i’m not going to ask why it’s short…
    but i like this one too!
    Anne… Andria… why haven’t i thought of being called that. i’m just called Kwai or Andria that’s it…

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Why is it short?

    I literally read it in under 15 seconds…

    NOT JOKING!!!!

    So, I want to hear a little bit about Darth Bane: Rule of Two.

  3. Darth Shiin says:


    Were you talking to ME?

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    I now understand why The Sound of Revenge is called that.

  5. Okay, i could tell you the major spoilers, Shiin. But that would be too bad for you. unless you already read the book.
    it has no happy endings.

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