fan fiction scrollRevans Shadow Info

 Star Wars

1. Romance and Marriges. Carth and Revan are married. Exile and Handmaiden are engaged. Carth and Revan had twins together, one boy one girl. Their names are Kaster (boy) and Shaliea (girl). They also have Dustil (Ignoring the fact that you could’ve killed him) who is Carths son who he had with his dead wife, whos name was Ryterlie (Ri-tur-lee). This name is just made up. Haindmaiden is pregnant but her due date is one month after the marrige. Bastila and Canderous (Mandalore) are the godparents. Mira and Atton are going to be the god parents of Handmaidens and the Exiles kid or kids. When Revan came back from her little… Detour, Carth proposed to her. This is what happened.


They started to embrace each other, kissing.

“I’ve waited so long!”

“Too long…”

They continue kissing, this time with more… Empact.

“Oh Carth…”



“Huh?” Revan responds, still kissing Carth.

Carth gets down on one knee.

Revan looks half surprised, half happy.

“Will… Will you marry me?”

Revan hesitated for a mili-second.


With the Exile and Handmaiden, well, different story.


The Exile and the Handmaiden are together, lying down on the ground of Khoonda, looking at the stars. (I don’t remember what Handmaidens real name is so I’m making one up right now).



“Will you marry me?”

“But Atris-”

And the Handmaiden and the Exile are suddenly kissing, on the grass of Khoonda.



“And also,”


“I’m pregnant.”

“Who’s the father? Atton?”

“Ha ha.”

2. Characters: The character that you play in my series is Revans sister or brother. Revan is a girl in my series. (You probably already figured that out, seeing as to how Revan and Carth were kissing). Part 5, “She’s taking Rev!” is based on the relationship you and Revan had, it was supposed to tell you that you and Revan are siblings, that’s why I’m naming this series, Revans Shadow.

3. Names and Objectives: The name of this series is Revans Shadow. The objective is to find the part of each planet that has a connection to the force and the connections will lead you to the heart of the force. Your other objectives, Find Darth Talion and well, “end” her. Also to reunite with Revan.

4. Meetings: After Carth and Revan got engaged, Revan went to Corascaunt to tell the council that she’s returned. That’s where the Exile was, and that’s how Revan and the Exile met. The party members were on Corascaunt too, so that’s where everybody met, except your character in Revans Shadow.

5. Party Members. In Revans Shadow you will have the same amount of party members that you could’ve had in Kotor 2: the sith lords. I will reveal them randomly. I already have there names, species, and if their a Jedi or not.

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5 Responses to “Revans Shadow Info”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    I love it! I think its romantic!!!!!

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Oh, well, thanks.

  3. MaggOnasi says:

    isn’t the handmaiden’s name Brianna or something?

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    Yes, Brianna. Thanks.

  5. uh, sorry but i think my brain hurts right now
    i love it! the way you tell it it’s like playing a video game… with words

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