fan fiction scrollRevan’s Journal: Taris: Unexpected Detour

 Star Wars

“1… 2… 3…”

That was the only warning that the three bounty hunters had before another bounty hunter that we would soon meet named Calo Nord gave before he shot them to death the moment Carth and I entered Javyar’s cantina of the Lower city.

Nobody stopped him as he finished his drink and stepped out. It was obvious he was one of those guys you don’t get cute with. Seeing the fact that I didn’t know if he was a friend or foe, just a dangerous man, I let him pass without a scene, not wanting to draw attention towards us in an unfriendly environment.

As Carth and I went to the bar to ask questions about the Hidden Beks, another scene welcomed us. This time, it was a Twi’lek who seemed to be in trouble. Two more Twi’leks went up to her, just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, she calls on her Wookiee friend who was sitting next to me on the bar.

Thankfully, the two Twi’leks weren’t dumb enough to get into a fight with a Wookie so they left, leaving me with enough them to talk with the Wookiee. I knew that this would probably lead to nothing, but as luck would have it, the Twi’lek was a member of the Hidden Beks.

“That was a dangerous gambit. They could have not left you alone you know.” I told her.

“No one’s dumb enough to mess with a Wookiee. I’m Mission by the way, and this is Zaalbar.” She introduced herself and her Wookiee friend without me asking.

“It’s always a pleasure to meet a Twi’lek and a Wookiee in this part of the galaxy. I’m Eon and this is Carth.” I teased her. She did introduce herself first, it would have been rude to give her a fake name, and by the way she looked, it seemed that no secret could get past her anyway.

“If you don’t mind me saying, you look like you’re the person to speak to for information; do you know where the Hidden Beks base is?” Carth asked her without hesitation.

She laughs, and affirms our suspicion. “I am the person to talk to and you’re in luck, I and Zaalbar are Hidden Beks. The base isn’t far from here. Just turn left once you exit the cantina. If it wasn’t for the fact that Gandon still keeps the base open I wouldn’t have told you.” She told us.

“Who’s Gandon?” I asked.

“He’s the leader of the Hidden Beks. I suggest you head straight for him if you’re looking for help. But keep your guard up, nowadays even we Beks are suspicious about outsiders.” She said.

Without further ado, Mission and her Wookiee friend Zaalbar left. We waited for a few minutes before heading out of the cantina and onto the Hidden Beks base. The guard outside the base pointed us in the direction of Gandon and warned us not to try anything funny if we wanted to get out of the base alive. It was only after that that she let us in.

Once inside, Carth and I went straight to Gandon, only to be temporarily halted by Zaerdra, his Twi’lek bodyguard. He was willing to help us if, and only if, we were willing to help him in return. I already knew there was a catch so I didn’t argue. He wanted us to get back a stolen prototype acceleration from the Black Vulkars. If we did this, he would sponsor me in the swoop race which was the only way to save Bastila. He also wanted us to give him the Sith trooper uniform we stole in exchange for a set of Sith documents we needed to get into the Under city. Carth argued as to why they would need the uniforms but Gandon would not say. I was frustrated by the detour we needed to take but as we really had no other option, I took the deal after a bit of consideration.

“Good, now that everything is in order, look for Mission Vao in the Under city. The documents will help you get to the elevator guarded by the Sith. Mission said that she found a secret entrance to the Black Vulkars base there. Once you’re done, return to me with the accelerator and you’ll be one step closer to rescuing your Jedi.” Gandon said.

We left without delay, already impatient to get this part of our mission done and over with…

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