fan fiction scrollKnights of the Old Republic: Shadows of the Light Chapter 2 (Re-issue for co-author)

 Atton RandBastila ShanCanderous Ordo

Chapter 2…
Just Like Old Times

“Well what are we all doing standing around here for?” Bastila said.

“I have a place that’s a little ways from here, you are all more than welcome to come.”

“Thank you Bastila,” Canderous replied, “your generosity is much appreciated.”

“All right everyone, let’s follow Bastila to her place,” Jolee said motioning everyone to follow her.

(The gang trek a short ways to Bastila and Revan’s house. Upon arrival, everyone is surprised to see Revan and the others already there waiting for them, having arrived a while ago. The house is small, but cozy, the group enters the house and sit down around the kitchen table)

“Canderous! I haven’t seen you in forever,” Revan said, “and I see you’ve brought friends too.”

“Nice place you’ve got,” Canderous commented, sipping on an Alderanian ale that Bastila poured for him.

“It’s not much,” Bastilla said sitting down to her own glass of ale, “but it suits our [Revan’s and mine’s] needs.”

(There is a pause while the group sips their drinks)

(There is a smattering of idle chit-chat while the group catches up on old times)

“So Bastila” Revan asked, “what have you and Atton been up to on Dantooine, not cheating on me are you?”

“No Revan,” Bastila smiled, “we’ve just been exploring some old haunts….”

(She trails off)


(Bastila shifts uncomfortably in her seat)

“It’s stupid,” she mutters under breath.

“What is it?” Revan asks again.

“You’ll think it’s stupid……….. but I’ve been feeling a strange presence, one that i just can’t put my finger on.”

“You too?” Bastila asks, seeing Revan’s face fall

“I thought for a moment…. before we came here….. that i sensed something…. but it’s nothing” Revan said, eager to get off this unpleasant subject.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Bastila said though she still looked concerned, “it’s just us.”

(The group continues to eat and drink and talk without any further mention of the strange presence)

“Hey, you guys aren’t going to have a party without me,” a voice called from the doorway

“Carth, Dustil I can’t believe you came!” Bastila exclaimed.

“Wait a minute. Bastila this is the reason you and Atton came to Dantooine?” inquired Revan.

“Took longer than I expected for you to figure out, honey.” Bastila said as she walks over and hugs Carth

“Carth!” exclaimed little Orion, Atton and Telia’s son.

(Orion is followed closely by Bastila and Revan’s daughter Helena.)

“Hey you two, I haven’t seen you two in forever,” Carth yelled as he crouched down to greet them, “give me a hug.”

(Orion and Helena run over to him and hug him as hard as possible. Everyone continues to laugh and catch up on old times, their is no trace of their previous feelings of foreboding.)

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