fan fiction scroll12 Revan’s Journal: Taris: The Taris Season Opener

 Star Wars

“Wake up, the race begins in a few hours and you need to be at the tracks for the opening.”

Zaerdra, Gandon’s bodyguard, woke me with a start. Once I prepared myself for the day, I went out of the room I was staying in and noticed that there were more Hidden Beks within the base. Zaerdra was waiting for me, as soon as I stepped out of my room; she escorted me towards the race track.

“Zaerdra, where’s Carth and the others?” I asked.

“They’re not coming with you. Only the racers are allowed at the tracks, everyone else has to watch within their respective bases.”

When we entered the tracks, I noticed that it was filled with people who were obviously Black Vulkars.

“Ok, if that’s true, then why is this place crawling with Vulkars?” I asked her apprehensively.

“The Black Vulkars is the host gang this season. Relax, they’ll be leaving once the race starts.” She answered.

Once she settled me in, Zaerdra left me with the other racers. The race was simple; we would each run the course in turn and try to beat our personal times. We were given three tries; if we couldn’t do it then the racer is eliminated from the race. The racer with the lowest time wins. Simple though as it was, it was still dangerous as swoops could go up to 80mph in less than a minute and if you hit an obstacle at that speed, then you would be painting the tracks with your blood.

As I waiting for my turn, I spotted the ‘prize’ next to the announcer’s podium. Bastila was obviously sedated; she was kept in a cage with four guards keeping everyone away. It was funny to watch her as she was still standing, even thought she was sedated. Furthermore, knowing that she was a Jedi and my commanding officer, it felt ridiculous for me to see her in a cage like an oversized bird.

Pushing these observations out of my mind, I focused on the task ahead and when my name was called, I ran the race in record time. After the others had their go the announcer declared that I was the champion of the season. He then called Brejik, the leader of the Black Vulkars, to award me with my prize. But instead of handing Bastila over to me, he said:

“People, listen to me! This racer of the Hidden Beks has cheated. He has used a prototype accelerator stolen from me to win this race!”

“That’s bullshit Brejik! You stole that accelerator first!” I shouted.

“Aha! Then you do not deny that you used a prototype accelerator? I refuse to give you the prize; it belongs to the Black Vulkars!”

“But Brejik, there is nothing in the rules that you cannot use a new accelerator for your swoop if you have one…” The announcer said nervously.

“Shut up! Nobody asked for your opinion!” Brejik screamed.
It was obvious that this was coming down to a fight. I guess that the other racers felt it as they edged their way towards the exit as silently as they could. I wasn’t too happy about my chances of getting out of there alive. It was a seven against one odd (the four guards of Bastila, Brejik and his two guards) and I was the one. Furthermore, I wasn’t carry any weapons as they weren’t allowed in the tracks, only the guard were allowed to carry weapons and every single one of the guards were Black Vulkars.

I was readying myself for the confrontation when fortunately; Bastila was able to overcome the drugs that kept her sedated and woke up at that moment. With a movement of her hands, her four guards, along with the door of her cage were pushed forward by an unseen force and hit the wall on the other side. I then understood that Bastila used the Force to succeed in her feat.

“What? How is this possible? How did you overcome the effects of the drugs!” Brejik shouted.

“A Jedi is never defenceless Brejik, you should have thought of that before you captured me.” Bastila answered.

“Men, kill them both!” Brejik screamed at his guards.

Bastila quickly picked up a double bladed vibro sword and engaged Brejik who was halfway drawing his blaster. While this was happening, his two guards charged at me with a sword in each hand. I was able to spot a knife in the side of the boots of one of the guards and quickly rolled for it. Once I was able to grab the blade, I turned around, planted myself in a steady position on one knee and delivered a slash at the shins of one of the guards. The other guard was faster than his companion and before I could deliver the killing blow, he brought down his sword to cut me from head to foot.

I was able to roll away from his blow and quickly got to my feet. At that moment, I felt the strange energy touch me again, but this time, I felt the same thing emitting from Bastila. Pushing this observation to the back of my mind, I assessed the situation and formed a plan. I reversed my grip on the knife I was holding and feinted towards the left, as predicted the guard lifted his swords towards a blow that would never come, without thinking whether what I was about to do was even possible, I tapped into the strange energy coursing in me and used it to boost my speed and reflexes.

I then moved to my right to get into his defences and buried the knife I held into the side of his neck. I then turned around and faced the other guard with the cut in his shin. Even though he was already limping, he delivered a blow which I blocked using my knife. I locked the hilts of our blades and pushed his sword away, I held his other wrist to stop him from delivering another blow using his other sword which left him open. I took a step forward and buried my knees into his guts.

The guard grunted in pain and before he could deliver a counter blow, I punched him in the face with all the strength I could muster, warm blood touched the skin of my fist as I broke his nose and knocked him out.

After taking out the guards, I turned around to face Brejik. Bastila was putting up a fight, but it was obvious that she hadn’t overcome all of the drug’s effects and Brejik was winning. I joined the fray, taking Brejik’s attention and giving Bastila time to recover. Brejik was a tough opponent, but I knew I could defeat him with just the knife I was using.

I soon delivered a flurry of blows that forced him to keep up. I once again tapped into the energy coursing through me and delivered even faster blows, both with the knife I was using and my fist, I pushed Brejik back but it was Bastila who delivered the killing blow. With Brejik and his guards dead, the announcer and the other racers gone, only Bastila and I were left in the tracks.

I threw the knife I was using away and looked around, checking to be sure that we weren’t about to be shot dead. When I turned around to face Bastila, she placed the blade of the weapon she was using under my chin and said:

“If you think you can keep me as your prize then you… wait a minute, you’re the soldier from the Endar Spire.”

“Actually I was from the 501th Infantry Division, Spec Ops: Wraith Project. Then I was transferred to the Endar Spire, apparently under your request to be part of your personal guard. I guess you requested for me because of my records but in any case, I am Eon Stormcrow, Lieutenant, a solider of the Republic Army and under your direct command ma’am.” I said.

“How did you survive the destruction? And how in the hell did you end up here as a swoop racer?”

“Well… it’s a long and very complicated story… but if you dropped your weapon then maybe I would be better inclined to tell you.” I said sarcastically.

“I’m not going anywhere until you answer my questions.”

“Look, as much as I hate arguing with my commanding officer, this really isn’t the place to be holding a conversation and if you’re still not convinced about my allegiance then maybe Carth can prove you otherwise. Either way, I didn’t go through a week of hell just to get my ass kicked by you, even if you are my commanding officer.” I said, slightly irritated.

“Carth Onasi is here? He survived as well?” she asked.

“Yeah, now will you please drop your weapon so I can take you to him?”

“Very well, but if I find that you’re leading me the wrong way; you’ll regret it.”

“Oh for crying out loud, I just said that I’m under your direct command, you’ve just confirmed the fact that I was on the Endar Spire plus YOU specifically requested my transfer from the 501th to the Endar Spire. If that isn’t enough I just came here to save you. What more evidence do you need! Are all Jedi this dumb? If so then it’s no wonder that the Sith are winning this war!” I complained.

It was irritating to find myself in this situation after all that I’ve been through just to save Bastila. This was actually the first time I came face-to-face with her. It was my first day on the Endar Spire and I hadn’t even begun my shift when we were ambushed.

“All right I see your point! I’m sorry for my behaviour, but you didn’t actually save me. I got out of my cage y myself.” She said haughtily.

“Very funny, if I didn’t step in, Brejik would have cut you into ribbons.”
“I could have taken him on without your help!” She contradicted.

“Right…” I said sarcastically.

“Let’s just get out of here and find Carth, please.” She sighed.

It was obvious that she was controlling her temper, and I suddenly though that she looked cute doing it. Realizing that I must really be tired if I was thinking of thoughts like that, I quickly said:

“Then follow me ma’am.”

As I stepped over Brejik’s corpse, I realized that the tube across his back was a lightsaber. I picked it up, knowing that the only person that could have belonged to was Bastila.

“Ma’am, I think his belongs to you.” I said as I handed her the lightsaber.

With that, we left the tracks and I was relieved that the first part of the mission on Taris was over…

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