fan fiction scrollKinghts of the Old Republic: Shadow of the Light Chapter 9

 Canderous OrdoMandaloreStar Wars

Chapter 9

(On the Bridge of an unknown cruiser)

“Everything is going as I have foreseen,” Reika mused, “Now would be a good time to do some investigating.”

Reika silently called forth an astromech droid

“Set course for Mandalore,” Reika said.

The droid beeped in acceptance and immediately set the navicomputer’s coordinates for Mandalore.

“Now,” Reika said, “we can begin to get somewhere.”

(Times passes)

The tiny astromech droid approached Reika, who was in the middle of meditating.

“Yes I am aware that we are here,” Reika said plainly and before the little droid could make any noise.

He arose and made his to the bridge.

“Make ready for a stealth landing, now,” ordered Reika softly.

The droid beeped and went on it’s way. Reika muttered something disdainfully to himself like, “droids.” He decided to go back to meditating until they had actually landed.

(2 Hours pass)

Sensing that the ship had landed, Reika rose from his meditation and made his way to the exit ramp. Upon leaving the ship he decided to make his way to the capital by means of the outlying forests, favoring stealth above all else. He eventually set off, making his way towards the capital city of Keldabe. He made his way through the thick vegetation towards the city.

“Accursed vegetation,” Reika said, with only a hint of frustration in his voice.

It took him only a couple hours to reach the gates. Upon arrival, Reika saw that the gates where being guarded. So, being someone who always wanted to test himself, Reika used force projection make himself invisible to the guards. He then with ease made his way the building where all of the records of citizens born on the planet were held. He was quite surprised to find that so many people were in the building. However, with the force cloaking him still, he made his way back to were the restricted files were held. Sensing that he had reached his destination, he then let the force guide him to what he was looking for. Within minutes he had the record he wanted. Though he could not actually see the words on the page, they appeared to him in his mind’s eye through the force as clear as anything.

“It appears that there is more to my apprentice than meets the eye,” commented Reika, laughing inwardly at his own pun.

“I wonder why the son of Mandalore the Ultimate would become a Jedi and then a Sith…..” In mid thought, Reika stopped and looked up, suddenly realizing why.

“This going to very interesting,” Reika laughed and walked out, a man who had just been given the key to discover a whole new world of secrets.

(Mean while back on Dantooine)

A Mandalorian captain calls to Mandalore a.k.a Canderous over comlink.

“Yes, what is it?” inquires Mandalore.

“Some one has just access the birth records on Mandalore.”

“What!?!?!?” Mandalore says in complete shock. “Who was it and who’s birth records where look at?”

“Intruder unknown and unseen and I think I better tell you in person who the files where on.” states the captain.

“Fine but be in five minutes. Understood?” Commands Canderous.

“Yes, Mandalore.” replies the captain.

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6 Responses to “Kinghts of the Old Republic: Shadow of the Light Chapter 9”

  1. Zalax says:

    awesome, cant wait for chapter 10

  2. Darth Shiin says:

    Uh, who the hell are you??

    No offence.

    Like the story.

  3. Darth_Cyvan says:

    Darth Shiin, meet Zalax the man behind Zalx. he’s my friend

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    Oh, k

  5. like the story
    there’s so much supense that i can’t wait until the next story XDD

  6. Darth Shiin says:

    i agree

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