Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

I think I did it....we shall see if this fic goes anywhere now. It all depends on who will act upon it......

Do not fear death. Death is all around us. If we show fear it jumps at us faster than lighting, but, if we do not show fear, it casts it's eye upon us gently and guides us slowly into infinity.

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

Wow I missed a lot. I been away since thursday and its different man. I can't be bothered to read everything so can anyone give us an update?

There will always be Sith, as long as the Jedi remain.
When there is peace, prepare for war.

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

Well Roy, Aliana, Gregin, and Sion are going out together to fight alongside Revan.

If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.
- Mitch Hedberg

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

Name: T3-m4

Gender: Unspecified (because im a droid)

Age: Ask my Master

Alliance: LightSide

Weapon(s): Blaster Pistol, Ion Blaster, Ion Striker Mark II and a droid Shock arm

Appearence: I look like a cargo cilinder

Background: Now i am just an astromech utility droid...

History: I served Jedi allmost all my existanse

Species: Droid

Ship (if they have one): The Ebon Hawk... i travel with my master

Class: Astromech Utility Droid

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

Looks like fun I'm in if it's okay with you

Name: Kryser ( His real name is unknown)
Gender: Male
Age: Early 30's
Alliance:Lightside ( mostly himself )
Weapon:Cyan Lightsaber ( Built with his own design ) and of course the force.
Appearence:Wears causal stuff most of the time ( Hates Jedi Robes)
Background:I man of terrible past and a strong sense of justice (sometimes). He is currently a sword for hire and kills only if he has to. Loves Credits and Women
History: An Ex-jedi member. Quit years ago manley because the jedi gave mercy to a prisoner that destoryed his home town. And hates the Jedi Council for that. He hopes to hit it big one day. He'll do any bounty job for the right price.
Ship: Yeah right way he's too cheap for that. Mostly Hicthhikes on going space transports.
Class: Ex-jedi,Bounty hunter.

Endless confusion...

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

ok ill join

Name:Eshabacka(real name unknown)
Weapon:A double bladed orange lightsaber and a exeptional ability to sense everyones next move
Apperance:Matukai robes
Backround:Found by a republic soldier Eshabacka was picked up by the jedi at a young age.Has an exeptional connection to the living force.
History:His master is a Matukai master.
Class:Jedi Matukai aprentice.

Beware the light at the end of the tunnel......... it might be a train!
Whoever said anything is possible never tried nailing jelly to a tree.
If at first you dont succeed....cheat!
There is a fine line between genious and insanity.....i have erased that line.

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

Name:Konah Ryton



Alliance: jedi order

Weapon:duel sabers one pure gold the other cyan blue and force

Apperance: long dark blond hair navy blue robes Bright green eyes slinder build

History:was 15 when granted the rank of jedi knight three yrs later was granted rank of master

Species: unknown
Ship(optinal): Ryton fighter v3

Class: Jedi Master

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

This rpg never took off because the ones that tried to start it are no longer on here so this is a dead rpg.

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

damn it all hehe

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

You will see a lot of rpgs on here that are dead like this one is.

Re: New Jedi Order Sign-up

you should delete the topic then