Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

--he'll answer when he gets back. for now lets just move on and pretend that didnt happen. --

John turns back to Rhys. "Nothing to gain by sweeping the databanks, eh? This yahoo still thinks we're being ruled by hutts. Now we'll never know where he came from or how long he's been drifting. Nice work hotshot."

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester:( I start talking in the language of Tusken Raider)

Jester: Uuuurrrr Arrurraaar Haaaauhhh.

Jester: (Which translates into "Born of the Sand, Return to the Sand".)

Jester: I feel better now.

Jester: (I return to the bed and sit down and lean aganist the wall facing the cell doors.)

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

--hahahahhahaha i laughed so hard at your tusken raider text. its funny because that's how it comes out too. hilarious. +15 for making me laugh.--

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force


Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (Looks at John)

Jester: When are you going to tell me what is going on?

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

John: Now that you're back to normal.....relatively speaking....tell me everything you remember.

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (I stand and walk to the cell door)

Jester: I got a transport off of Tattoonie my homeworld to the core worlds because my father Cheif of our Clan was killed by a Mighty Sand Dragon and with him dead I had no reason to stay. Like every ship we entered Cryo sleep because the trip would take 4 years at least or that is what I was told.

Jester: (Returns to the bed and sits down)

Jester: The ruler of Tattoonie was a nice but really stupid Hutt by the name of Jaxzz the Hutt. He was at war with his brothers for control of Tattoonie and the war was sttill in full force when I left 4 years ago.

Jester: (Looks up at John.)

Jester: When I was awakened by the ship's computer I found myself alone as the other died long ago as they slept. I found my way to the cockpitt and noticed the computer already had it's beccon on and then you docked with my ship and we are here.

Jester: Why do you ask????

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

"Ya must really think I give two shits 'bout all this," Rhys remarks on a short chuckle, ignoring the Tusken Raider for the most part. "Oh, that's cute." The Zygerrian mixbreed gives an unconcerned wave of his hand, the current situation  −and how to deal with it  −obviously not his problem. "Look, it's like I said earlier: wasn't nothin' on that ship, 'n no reason to waste time scrubbin' empty databanks. Didn't they teach you any math at any of those fancy academies back in the Core?"

He sighs, frustrated by having to explain such a simple concept. "We know at least one of his parents had to be a Tusken Raider which means he comes from Tatoonie. He also seems to think the Hutt's still rule that sand pile n' they've been dead for a good long while. So, add two and two together," he adds in a condescending manner, "get four already, and let's move the f**k on. We've got a damn job to do 'n we sure as hell ain't gettin' paid to poke s**t with a stick!"

Rhys turns his attention to Soren who has remained rather quiet throughout the entire ordeal, his momentary interest in the Tusken Raider halfbreed now waned, however. The man seemed to have little interest in something he couldn't exploit or sell for a profit. Not surprising frankly. "Permission to return to the cargo hold, Capt'n?" the redhead requests. "I have better things to do with my time."

Soren simply nods and Rhys immediately leaves, the Samuac halfbreed's stormy gaze finding John. "You will find we do not take kindly to unnecessary delays, Mr. Antilles. This... creature," he denotes with distain, "obviously knows nothing more of value other than that which it has already revealed, and as such, is worth little more than the rags on its back. If you are done here, I suggest having it spaced and its ship destroyed."


Shadows move along the walls, the inconspicuous shifting of the light revealing little of the figure which hides within the darkness. A simple touch and the door slides open silently, the blue-hued light coming from within barely illuminating the person which slips in before the room's emergency lockdown procedure comes into effect. Wouldn't be long. Aria was the Alliance's best AI and a breach in her Core wouldn't go unnoticed forever. A few seconds. Thirty if he was lucky. He'd have to be quick about this. Then again, getting caught was part of the plan.


Wonder who's that breaking into Aria's Core... hmm... feel free to have them caught or whatever and brought to you and I'll reveal who it is. wink Hope what I'm doing here doesn't mess up anything you have planned. Shouldn't though. I'm doing my best to make changes while completely staying out of your characters' way... for the most part at least. wink

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

I am not talking about the Hutt Empire but of a family of Hutts that fight and rule Tattoonie.

Jester: (I look at Soren)

Jester: I know more things then you think I know because before the Hutts ruled Tattoonie we all served a strange race of aliens known as the builders.

Jester: (Looks over at John)

Jester: I do not know what they were builders of but they have statues all over Tattoonie that as a child I looked apon then in wounder and amazement.

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

My mistake. Fixed my post. smile

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

John stares at Soren, "you let all your animals talk like that? Or does it not matter as long as it's not you? You're lucky he's not under my direct command, or I would have had him--"

"Major...I am decteding a breach in my systems..."

A sutble expression of alarm comes over John's face. He quickly tries to dismiss it an replace it with a calmer look. "That's not possible. Only I have the codes to access even the most superficial systems."

"I am telling you, Major, there is something....inside me...."

"If you're right, then we've got problems. Damn it...." John begins to speak over the emergency com channel. "I want a clean sweep of this ship! If you're not supposed to be moving, then don't move! No one goes anywhere! If you make a single gesture, I'll burn you and your discharge! Antilles out! .....Aria can you pinpoint where this...anamoly is?"

"No, sir...not for more than a second. It's moving too fast for any organic to intercept it."

"You mean any single organic. All of us put together will find the source of this problem. Move out! Aria, keep us updated on its movements. I'll station a patrol everywhere it pops up." He looks at Jester. "I'll be back for you later."

"Assuming control of defense turrents for added assistance...hurry John...I don't know what this thing might do next...I'll resist any hackiing attempts to the best of my ability, but I'm sorry if I start attacking..."

"Don't worry, Aria. We'll get to them before they get to you..."

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (Starts laughing)

Jester: I guess you have more problems then you are letting on.

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

"Oh, I believe you are too late for that," a synthetic voice announces over the cell block loudspeaker, that mechanic tone seeming to hold a chilling echo on occasion as if many spoke at once. The form of a man begins to materialize before John, hardened muscles shades of grey and black as if forged by fire and steel, a faint red gleam to a thin visor which veils its eyes.

"I certainly expected more from the Alliance's so-called 'best'," the hologram of the mechanism continues, blatantly disappointed. "While the majority of your ship's more valuable systems were well-guarded, others were left open and vulnerable. And such a reaction time is inexcusable," it adds as if on a sudden forethought, tampering with something beyond John's limited field of view.

"Had I hostile intentions there would now be an endless list to the damages I inflicted upon your systems. Then again, I am no simple AI," it remarks with something akin to pride. "The countermeasures Aria has been able to enforce, Major Antilles, are impressive, but are hardly enough to stop something like me."

"Omega," Soren appears somewhat surprised himself but manages to hide it with cool efficiency. "I see you have wasted no time making yourself at home aboard Mr. Antilles's ship."

The mechanism bows slightly as if to show some degree of respect. "Indeed," he responds. "An L3-AI, no matter how finely crafted, cannot operate such an advanced craft at its upmost capacity. I can, of course, easily remedy these problems given the proper amount of time. Meanwhile, mundane, commonly overlooked issues should be addressed immediately in order to maximize performance." Omega pauses for a moment, his visor turning a bright blue color.

"Unauthorized quandium steel Silaris armored plating upgrade disrupting gravimetric profile," he states, already calculating a solution. "Engines stabilized. Gilbourne coefficients successfully rebalanced. Anterior intakes adjusted on second tier stabilizers." Omega pauses for another brief second, cocking his head to the side slightly before he continues, "Thax canon successfully calibrated. Power output now at 170% of projected estimates. Power draw now at 250%. Adjusting forward capacitors. Restoring balance."

"Unauthorized Aegis Tier-4 shielding upgrade disrupting power grid balance. Power draw nearing 200% of previous installment. Acquire capacitor subsystem to minimize power draw," Omega advises, his visor suddenly returning to its red hue. He looks at Soren and nods. "That will do for now. I will continue to monitor both offensive and defensive systems and ensure they are operating as efficiently as possible, while allowing Aria to continue monitoring other ship operational functions as she sees fit."

Omega's attention suddenly jumps to John, the hologram glitching slightly with the movement. "That is if Major Antilles finds it acceptable. No doubt he has questions regarding my presence within his ship."


Omega (reference! Boo-yah wink ) is a very special, highly advanced AI who also happens to be housed in a physical, mechanical body and who will gladly tell you about himself if you ask him. smile He's obviously part of the Black Raiders in some manner or fashion and he's not there to do anything bad since he like just fixed a few problems and you know, didn't crash them into a star considering he's in Aria's systems and can basically access everything (including ship controls).

Oh, and when Omega mentions "unauthorized upgrades" he simply means it wasn't ever pressed through Alliance brass and thus isn't on the ship's records. Just to clarify.

Last edited by Beautiful Chaos (2012-02-18 15:02:22)

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (Looks over at John)

Jester: You have me looked up in here for nothing and you have this strange light guy running free on your ship and you call me crazy.

Jester: (Walks closer to the cell's sheild)

Jester: Let me out of here and give me back my staff, NOW!!!!

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Oh, Prince. Where'd ya wonder off to? tongue jk

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

John looks over at Jester with an annoyed look. "You are one bratty little kid just begging for attention, aren't you? Patience, child; I'll deal with you in time. For now more important tasks--much more important tasks--require my attention" he says condescendingly as he turns his attention back to Omega. "Give me one reason why I should trust you." He turns to Soren. "For all I know, this AI is the method by which you would slaughter my crew and take the ship for yourself."

Aria interrputs, "The major is right. Against a self-aware Aritificial Intelligence such as this, I am....defenseless, it pains me to say. I strongly recommend purging my systems of it."

"I agree. Get it out of my ship. Regardless of whatever 'upgrades' it may provide, we don't need it. Not until the rest of you have proven yourselves trustworthy to our mission."

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Omega seems to laugh as if he were somehow... amused. John had never encountered, nor heard of, an AI exhibiting such a human emotion. Of course, there had always been attempts to create such a machine but he had never heard of any successes. Did one truly exist...? John's body tenses instinctively. He wasn't entirely sure if he should be fascinated or extremely wary. Humans were not exactly stable creatures. They were prone to bursts of anger and irrational decisions. If this AI was what it seemed... it was incredibly dangerous.

"I am not some common virus you can simply rid yourself of, Major Antilles," Omega clarifies the situation, the hologram disappearing as the grate to the air duct vent above John falls to the floor, the mechanism known as Omega falling through, his feet hitting the ground with a significant clank.

"I am a PREDATOR-AI, the result of the most advanced cybernetics imbued with decades of genetic tampering," he explains in the simplest of terms. He'd found many organics often mistook him for some sort of cyborg or a warped AI when he was, in fact, so much more. "I am the best of man and machine intwined into a single flawless creation... the first and last of my kind."

Omega moves forward suddenly with such swift elegance that John is taken my complete surprise, his gaze drawn to that blood red visor merely inches from his face. "And believe me, Major... if I had any desire to kill you and your crew I would have done it already," the AI remarks rather bluntly, a humanly sadistic tone creeping into his voice. "You humans are so fond of your games. I prefer to finish my opponent outright. Why wait to stab him in the back," he wonders, his visor transitioning to a darker red, "when you can see the fear in his eyes just before he is impaled upon your sword?"

"That's enough, Omega," Soren's commanding voice interrupts their exchange, causing the mechanism to flinch slightly in surprise, its attention snapping to the Black Raider as he moves towards them.

"Yes," Omega agrees somewhat passively, taking a step back in order to give John some much needed space. "My apologies, Major."

Soren sighs softly, closing his eyes briefly as if it might help to calm his temper. "Regardless of your opinion, Mr. Antilles, Omega will remain uplinked to this ship," the Samuac halfbreed states with blatant authority. "I will prohibit him from accessing Aria's system as well as the Horizon's core systems such as life support in order to keep you... comfortable."

"However," he adds, "beyond that Omega shall have free reign to do as he sees fit. Two heads are better than one, after all, and if we are facing the unknown it certainly will not hurt us to be better prepared for whatever the void decides to throw at us."


PREDATOR-AI: Prototype Reconnaissance and Enhanced DNA-based Adaptation of a Threat InterceptiOn and Response AI

While Omega does possess some human DNA he is not human himself. He is a sapient machine who merely possesses the components of the human mind such as emotions, a conscious, etc. The rest of him is entirely mechanics/technology. So he's literally an engineered killing machine.

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (Walks over to the bed and sits down and looks at john)

Jester: I will sit all back of the bus for now but I want to know about any info of my clan you may have.

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

--impressive character. impressive acronym. i still hate him.--

John becomes insanely frustrated, but tries his best to contain it. He is not a man known for his self control, however, and loses whatever composure he had. "It's a coup. A f**king coup. Why the f**k--was i not told about this "AI"?!! Do NOT forget whose ship this is and WHO is in command of it! I call the shots! I am in charge of this mission. ME!!" This is MY mission!!! And if you wish to remain on this ship, it would behoove you and the rest of your wild, untame, untrained animals to remember that. As he thunders the words, the ship's metal begins to slightly but noticably groan, even denting in a few spots. One could even swear they heard thunder itself boom as he yelled in his rage. John glares into Soren's eyes--less than an inch away from his own by this time--with a countenance and expression that is rather impressive to Soren, if not ever-so-slightly intimidating simply because of its unexpectedness. "We clear?" the major asks in another unexpected tone, a dark Soren, the crew, or anyone really would have anticipated from a normally gentle man.

Last edited by Renegade Prince (2012-02-22 17:29:48)

Re: Star Wars: Origins of the Force

Jester: (A smile comes across my face as I watch John start loosing his mind to his men.)

Jester: Big John!!!!, He's iron tuff!!!!!!!!!! Big John!!!!!!!!

Jester: (Starts laughing.)