Re: Zombie Rpg

(Atrox and jester sweep the area)

(Atrox heres some sub human screams)

"Sounds like a chimp"

(aims his gun and waits)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester "kill anything that doesnt look like us and have fun doing it" EVIL  lol  lol  lol
Thomas: too many i have to run and run fast (soon sees Jester and Atrox) (looks behind and starts to shoot) A little help here

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Looks at Thomas)

Jester: Atrox, It is time for the fun to begin.

Jester: (Laughs and starts shooting)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Thomas: I am with u on that
(begins to start shooting)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Fires and drops 3 zombies while laughing)

Jester: That all I see right now so we need to keep moving.

Jester: (Reloads rifle and stands ready)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Thomas: well u r shooting forward look where i am shooting

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

" I want to have some fun"

(pulls out his samurai Sword)

" Before all this s**t down, i spent time in the mountains of japan, and trained with what was left of the samarium"

( lunges at the zombies carving them to bits)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Thomas: remind me to not eat that sushi  big_smile ( Guns down 8 zombies)

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: Nice work Atrox and ExileAmos but watch this.

Jester: (Takes out a granade wrapped in 4 blocks of C4 and pulls the pin and throws it down the hallway into a group of 20 zombies)


Jester: (The blast from the granade wrapped in C4 destroies all 20 zombies and blows the walls apart and caves in the roof)

Jester: Now that is how it is done.

Jester: (Laughs)

Re: Zombie Rpg

(Cuts off a zombies head, and putts exsplocives in its mouth and rolls it down the hall into a heard of zombies it exsplodes)


"Where is this room where looking for"

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Pops the heads of the last 4 zombies and then turns to Atrox)

Jester: The room is 2 doors down on the left.

Jester: (Reloads my M-16 and my 9mm and heads for the room)

Jester: Let's go.

Re: Zombie Rpg

(sprints down the hall and puts himself to the side of the dooor, and checks if the coast is clear)

(Waves Jester and ExileAmos over)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Runs down the hallway with rifle raised and takes up position on the other side of the door)

Jester: Clear!!

Jester: (Points at ExileAmos to kick the door in)

Jester: ExileAmos, Atfer you kick the door me and Atrox will move in first to clear the room and you bring up the rear and watch our backs.

Jester: (Holds up 3 fingers and makes a hand mostion to Atrox to let him know that he takes the right side and I will tak the left side)

Re: Zombie Rpg

THOMAS: Okay 5...4...3...2...1 (kicks the door in) go, go, go

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Raises rifle and enters the room)

Jester: CLEAR!!

Jester: (Sets up near a table waiting on Atrox and Thomas to enter the room too)

Re: Zombie Rpg

Thomas: So room clear I take it

I'm black....wait thats not right

Re: Zombie Rpg

"Jester what are we looking for?"

Re: Zombie Rpg

Jester: (Looks over at Atrox)

Jester: You know me, I was just looking for something to kill.

Jester: (Laughs and lowers rifle)

Jester: Their is the computer that we need.

Jester: (Points over to the computer)

Re: Zombie Rpg

"wow a computer, havent seen a working one since..."

(Sheds a tear)

"Since the initial attack "

Re: Zombie Rpg

Thomas: A computer that is what we are here for a computer

I'm black....wait thats not right