Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Jester: (Ignites lightsabers)

Jester: I can't let you have all the fun.

Jester: (Walks trowards the location of the young ones)

Jester: Come out come out where ever you are.

Jester: (Laughs evilly)

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"I can see why", replies Vector. "I've never seen a better lookin ship. There's no equal to it on this whole planet, heck in this sector. Custom right?"

Vector sits in the Navigator's seat. The rumble of the engines starting is heard, and the ship begins to shake as the thrusters engage and lift the ship from the platform. The ship rockets up through the atmosphere and into outter space.

"Beautiful. Didn't even feel the atmospheric exit." Vector enters in the coordinates to the nav computer. "This is the sector Cratus went to. Figure that's the best place to start."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas and Phara make their way to the outside of the cave, emerging to the bright grass of the Dantooine surface... **

Sarlas: "Did anyone find you here, during the time I was gone?"

Phara: "No."

Sarlas: "Alright then, let's go."

** Sarlas pushes the lift button, and steps on board. He then helps Phara up then pushes the lift again - thus bringing them up to the main hull. **

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara take a gentle hand over the controls of the freighter. "She's custom all right. One of the best credits can buy and then with my own added upgrades. Got me out of more than a few tight spots in my smug- I mean younger days." She smiles innocently, as if trying to make Vector forget what she almost said.

She looks away from him, towards the navigation chart. "What about your mission?"

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Don't hurt the younglings. I'm going to control a Jedi corpse to try and kill them, then Shi'Ki will come and take them to the Score's Eagle so we can turn them." Cratus told Jester and Atrox telepathically.

"I won't let you take them!" A girl said as she jumped at Cratus.

"You should not advertise your attack to the enemy willingly. I'll be sure to work on my telepathy though." Cratus told the youngling. She was ready to be a padawan now. He used the force to push her back into rubble. The padawans ran, panicking as the Knights tried to round them up. The masters charged for Atrox, as he was the one who was killing off most of them and Jester as he stalked the younglings. "Oh, I didn't wish to hurt you." Cratus told her.

"You liar, of course you did! And I wanted you to be my master. I looked up to you!" She screamed at him, rasing her very naive blade.

"You can't kill me with that. And if you were any other of the Jedi, you wouldn't. But you strike to kill. You yell with rage. Now focus it into power and strike me down." Cratus instructed, leaving his chest open. The youngling did nothing, just panting. "So you won't? You can still follow me and my teaching with the new free Sith Lords!"

"Yes... The Sith are much stronger." She said.

"Now follow me, Zhoe, and will shall kill the Jedi!"
Loyal to Darth Cratus
Uses a blue saber.

Kel Dor
Loyal to Darth Cratus
A master of Battle Meditation, uses a bronze saber.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Indeed?" Vector glances at Sara, but says nothing further. "She'll tell me when she's ready," thinks to himself.

"These are the last coordinates that we received from Cratus's ship before he shut down the transmitor. I figure that's the best place to start looking. It's a small moon in the Thule system, not far from the Korriban system"

{ : Click Here for Map : }

"It's in the ancient Sith stomping grounds, so it's a good possibility that any Sith would return there. And Korriban is also near by. I don't think they would have penetrated galatic space much beyond those points, though."

Yi'shar steps up and looks at the screen. "That's a pretty rough section of the galaxy."

Vector nods. "It does have a history of violence." Suddenly Vector feels a dark, burning sensation through the force. Wincing, he turns his head.

"Did you feel that? A disturbance........pain.......I've felt it several times in the last few days."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Jester: (Force to Cratus) I understand.

Jester: (See's a jedi knight tring to escape and runs after him)

Jester: Where are you going jedi?

(The jedi knight turns around to face Jester)

Jedi Knight: The order will not let you get away with this.

Jester: I don't care about your order because their time will end soon anyways.

Jester: (Uses Force Lightning on the jedi knight killing him)

Jester: That was too easy but their are more victims still alive.

Jester: (Heads back to where Atrox and Cratus is at)

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas' ship fires off into the sky, and pops into the clouds. **

Phara looks back at the small droid, Pox, and looks back at Sarlas. She shoots,"You know, that's not your droid."

Sarlas replies,"The owner isn't using it."

Phara states,"The owner's dead."

Sarlas looks at the map.

Sarlas: "We're heading to the Thule system - Cratus left a trail."

Phara: "Well then, we'll have to remain on alert, who knows what else is following him..."

Sarlas: (Laughs) "Nothing I can't handle."

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

"Atrox, go fire up the ship, and we almost have the younglings. Now, I'll try to take down the temple, so get ready." Cratus said telepathically to Atrox, Jester, and Shi'Ki. Pulling his hand from his robes, Cratus controlled a corpse to pick up a lightsaber. It charged at younglings, igniting the lightsaber and just missing the heads.

"Why are you doing that?" A youngling asked and Cratus stabbed the Jedi in his back.

"The Jedi are trying to kill you! You must follow Shi to our ship so you can be safe!" Cratus lied to them.

"Of course. We don't wanna die!" One of them said and they ran after Shi.

"Now, I'm gonna bring the temple down, so get out of here." Cratus told Zhoe, Atrox, and Jester. "Kill as many as you can on your way out." And he ran to the exit, killing the Jedi.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Jester: (Force to Cratus) I will head for the ship and I will kill anything and everything in my path.

Jester: (I head for the ship and on the way I start striking down everything that moves leaving a path of death in my wake)

Jester: I love this.

Jester: (Get's to the ship and walks up the ramp)

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Sara smiles. "All right, boys, you better hang on. I didn't name her Breakneck for anything." Another smile and a wink.

She taps a few buttons and the load roar of the ship's engines is heard. She chuckles as she begins to initate the hyperspace jump. The ship enters hyperspace suddenly, glueing Vector to the navigator seat and making Yi'shar have to hold on with all his might not to be thrown into a wall.

The ship finally enters an easy flow. Sara twirls her chair to face Vector and Yi'shar who are just getting their barings back.

"It won't take us long to get their. A day and a half... two at the most," she taps the navicomputer.

:Vector feels the disturbance and says something to Sara and Yi'shar about it:

Sara frowns. "I've felt it almost every single day since about a week after Cratus up and left. The Masters blamed pirates and outlaws for that too, but I always felt they were trying to hide something." She hesitates. "I've... I've felt this type of disturbance before... only when my-" She pauses. "- I mean a Jedi was killed... but this... this is worse. I feel like... thousands of people are all screaming in my ears... I feel pain... hate, anger... It's one of the many reasons I can't sleep that well anymore..."

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Jester: (Force to Cratus) I can see the younglings heading this way.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector frowns. "I don't like it. That has to be connected to the Jedi; but it's not something that they're doing. It's more like..............they're dying themselves. You're right. We have to find out the truth about whats going on."

Yi'shar looks at them both. "What can we do if the Jedi are dying?"

Vector sighs. "I don't know. We'll have to find out more."

Vector shakes his head. "Well, we'll be there soon enough. Yi'shar, I need to speak to Sara for a while. Would you mind?"

Yi'shar nods and leaves for the hold.

"Well, now that we're alone," Vector turns to Sara. "Is there something you want to tell me. You keep dropping hints, and then stumbling all over yourself trying to cover up. If it's something that can help us, I need to know."

Vector walks over and holds her by the shoulders, facing him. "Stop shutting me out. I'm not asking you to give me your autobiography; just what can help us."

I Am Jedi

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas activates Hyperdrive in the main Computer, and shoots off into the stars towards Cratus' postion. **

Phara: (Grabs chair top, and grinds teeth)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

(Atrox reaches the hanger, but notices jedi ships trying to leave)

" Cowards"( Atrox said to himself as he used mask, to change his appearance to look as though he was one of the jedi master along with false lightside aura )

(((OCC: Im a master in the arts of sith magic,alchemy, and Sith sorcery ))))

Atorx in disguise :" Quickly get in the ship" ( all the jedi get in there ships)

              " Alright fire up you engines" (the jedi do so,while atrox uses the force to rip a hole in the fuel tank) (THE SHIPS LEAVE THE HANGER AND EXSPLOAD)

(Smiles and runs inside the ship and starts her up)

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Jester: (Walks to the frount of the ship and sits in the co-pilot chair)

Jester: I hope this rock can fly.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** The ship fires off into postion and quickly drops out of Hyperdrive... **

Phara: (Coughs) "Augh - I hate that..."

Sarlas: (Laughs) "You still haven't gotten used to that? (Laughs again) Alright, I'm going to put on the scanners that I installed not too long ago. It should pick up any objects with a hint of..."

** Sarlas pauses, eyes wide open staring into deep space... **

Sarlas: (Puts both hands on head and shuts eyes) "AUUUUGH!"

Phara: "What is it?!"

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Lightside Master,Apr 24 2009, 04:05 AM wrote:

Vector frowns. "I don't like it. That has to be connected to the Jedi; but it's not something that they're doing. It's more like..............they're dying themselves. You're right. We have to find out the truth about whats going on."

Yi'shar looks at them both. "What can we do if the Jedi are dying?"

Vector sighs. "I don't know. We'll have to find out more."

Vector shakes his head. "Well, we'll be there soon enough. Yi'shar, I need to speak to Sara for a while. Would you mind?"

Yi'shar nods and leaves for the hold.

"Well, now that we're alone," Vector turns to Sara. "Is there something you want to tell me. You keep dropping hints, and then stumbling all over yourself trying to cover up. If it's something that can help us, I need to know."

Vector walks over and holds her by the shoulders, facing him. "Stop shutting me out. I'm not asking you to give me your autobiography; just what can help us."

Sara stares into Vector's eyes. "... sometimes stuff comes out on its own." She watches him carefully, seeming unafraid now. "I'm full of secrets but I doubt anyone or anything from my past would help us out. The people that would be of any help are probably-" Another hesitation; fear, sadness, love, hope... and then it's gone. "Are" she adds sadly, "dead."

She looks away from him to hide the truth.

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

** Sarlas closes his eyes, and emerges in a black, cold, foggy place. He looks around, and sees a large beast infront of him. The beast opens it's light blue eyes, and stares straight into Sarlas' eyes. **

Beast: "Hello, Sarlas."

Sarlas: "What do you want?"

** The beast's eyes get narrow and float towards Sarlas, face to face. **

Beast: "Reminding you."

** Sarlas wakes up; the light is bright, and sees Phara above him. **

Phara: "You okay?"

Sarlas: (Quickly comes up) ... (Gets into pilots seat.)

Wake up. You were dreaming. What's your name?

Re: Do I Live For Nothing

Vector turns her to him again, searching her eyes, feeling her thoughts. Nothing. He sighs.

"I wish I could help you. Anything, even the smallest thing, may help us to understand what's going on here."

"If you keep shutting me out, we may eventually just find things out the hard way. Wouldn't it be better to let me in? I'm the last person that wants to hurt you."

I Am Jedi