Re: Star Wars Spoofs

what kinda stuff do you use?

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

I use a bunch of tools, most that I can use just off the internet. I've got PhotoShop, FotoTrix, Merge, etc. I work with basic to like plain MP.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

nice. I haven't messed with much of that except for correcting photos.

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

That's cool.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

I did some photography for work once and used Jasc Paintshop or something like that. it was pretty good, mostly just used it to correct the color or clean up the background

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

You can find a bunch of neat photo editing stuff online if you just look and some of it's totally awesome.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

sweet. where'd you find it?

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

I just searched Google and GoodSearch. Stuff like that. There's all kinds of programs.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

cool. I'll have to check that out.

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

FlauntR is really cool too. You can do all kinds of stuff with it. You just have to look to find the good stuff.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

cool, I'll check that out.

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

I think I will go and check that out too.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

It's really advanced so your computer might have a problem keeping up (mine does) so sometimes certain tools overlap and it gets confusing. But if you sit there and take your mouse over everything you can see where the actual tool is.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

Thanks for the tip.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

i was reading some comic stuff, and it's pretty cool how even tho they use computers for some parts now, they still hand draw a lot of stuff!

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

yea computers are amzing

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

CG is great but there is nothing like going old school.

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

that's true. like the effects from the old Star Wars movies are awesome cause they are real. they can be beefed up with CG, but they look good on their own too.

I Am Jedi

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

I agree and CONGRATZ on hitting 5,000 posts.  big_smile  B)

Re: Star Wars Spoofs

i'm a little late, but thanks B)

I Am Jedi