Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

714- I wish they would make KOTOR 3

715- The Ebon Hawk is a better ship then the Falcon.

716- Carth is a better party member/character then Han Solo.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

717- KOTOR 1 is better then KOTOR 2

718- I can't wait till Star Wars Battlefront 3 comes out.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

719- I like how you fix the Ebon Hawk in KOTOR 2.

720- If they make KOTOR 3 I wonder if any of the characters from 1 or 2 would be in KOTOR 3.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

721 - They should realize that Old Republic is a failure, toss it in the trash, and make KotOR III already.

722 - It would be beautiful on the next-gen consoles.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

723- KOTOR III would be the biggest game of the year and I say they would brake all records of a game sold too.

724- The Ebon Hawk needs to make a come back because I miss that ship.

725- It would be cool if they gave you a personal fighter.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

726- Bioware gave up on their fans.

727- KotOR will be made. One day. Not with the garbage story they gave Revan in TOR.

728- Revan can never truly die.

729- Nobody ever really hates the villain.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

730- I always play as the Villain.

731- The Force Unleashed games hurt all other Star Wars games before they have ever got a chance to be released.

732- I would still pick the Ebon Hawk over the M. Falcon every time.

734- The Clone Troopers are cool but I love the Storm Troopers more.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

735- They could have given more back story to Revan.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

736- I wish they made a game with realistic lightsaber battles. Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy came close but it was not perfect.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

737- They were going to make Jedi Knight Jedi Academy II but Disney bought Lucas Arts and told them NO.

738- Force Lightning is the coolest Force power in any star wars game.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

739- The double bladed lightsaber was a great add to KOTOR I.

740- I was glad that a C3-PO type droid was not in your party in either of the games.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

741- The combat system was amazing

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

742- I liked how each planet in KOTOR I was different.

743- Korriban is still my favorite planet in either KOTOR I and II.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

744- Both starting planets (Taris and Paragus) are fun, but become very tedious when you want your lightsaber.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

745- I agree

746- I like the lower levels of the jedi academy on Dantoonie.

747- I liked that you can fight duels on Duxn with other Mandalorians.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

748- Pizzak was cool, but it never taught me anything other than the fact that red means - and blue means +

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

749- Pizzak was fun at times and other times it pisseed me off.

750- I wish in KOTOR II when you were on Korriban that it let you go to the space port.

751- I wish the would make KOTOR III so we can find Revan.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

752- The Starforge robes in Kotor I were so lame. They could have looked so cool.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

753- I agree about the robes.

754- Darth Nihilus was a kick ass Sith Lord.

Re: 1,000 Things I've Learned From Kotor...

755- Darth Nihilus and Darth Revan/Bane are my favorite Sith lords.
756- They need to remake Kotor I &II with a graphics over haul