Re: Super Bowl

lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: Super Bowl

you think he cares?

Re: Super Bowl

I don't care but it is funny as hell.  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

Re: Super Bowl

what were we talkin bout?

Re: Super Bowl

I don't remember anymore.

Re: Super Bowl

me neither.

Re: Super Bowl

Soooooooo, What's next?

Re: Super Bowl

a legit conversation:

like, if you were president, what would you do?

Re: Super Bowl

Good question, Hmmmmm...

I would lower taxes, Lower gas prices, Make allies between all the strong countries of the world, Build up the military so if we are attacked again we will be ready for anything. Make new jobs for every state, Make a team of head reachers to find a cure for cancer of all kinds. That is all I can think of right now but how about you?

Re: Super Bowl

lower taxes, convert the American energy reliance on solar and wind power, thus ruling out oil and gas prices.

foreign policy: keep the troops in Iraq (no matter what the demorcrats think or say), disconnect the majority of the trade we have with china (make them stop leeching our economy into their's) thus creating more American jobs.

health care: make health care affordable to all (especially seniors)

credit: dump the entire idea of credit, thus skyrocketing the value of the American dollar and lowering everyday prices (i.e. wal-mart, malls, movies, and more)

cash money: everyone in the "middle class" that is working: what ever they make in a year will be possibly rounded up to 40K per year (depending on if they have a family. if the do then it depends on family size. if you don't have a family, ). the "Lower Class" would get a guaranteed 30K per year.

Re: Super Bowl

Prince, Those are great ideas and if you run for President then I will vote for you.

Re: Super Bowl

oops i didn't finish the middle class singles.

mid-class singles: would get about as much of the lower class is getting per year, that being 30K

any other question about my policy? feel free to ask.

Re: Super Bowl

How about stim cell reseach, Are you for it or against it?

Re: Super Bowl

no, cause it kills babies.

abortion: outlawed. if you don't want the baby, put it up for adoption. but don't kill it. it's not the baby's fault you got pregnant. why take your frustrations out on it?

homosexuality and g*y marriage: if you choose to be g*y, then you're g*y. that's your choice, no matter how much i may disagree with it. and since i'm a christian, i would do what god would do: love you're still a human. you're still entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, no matter how messed up i think that pursuit of happiness is.

Re: Super Bowl

Okay here is a question about your abortion law. A woman is rapped and has the baby of her rappist in belly, Would you tell he that you had to keep it even if it brought back memories of her rape?

I agree with you on the g*y law.

What is your view on the population problem that is hitting the USA?

Re: Super Bowl

some idiots asked me that same question. rape is no excuse. if you don't want it, like i just said put it up for adoption.

and there is no population problem in this country.

Re: Super Bowl

Then I do not agree with you on the rape question and the population is growing fast then you think it is because of all the imagrents comming to the USA looking for jobs and a better life.

Sorry for the spelling.

Re: Super Bowl

i disagree abot the rape too

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Re: Super Bowl

oh well if you don&#39;t like me, you don&#39;t like me; i couldn&#39;t care less.

Re: Super Bowl

Well all I can say now is GO 49er&#39;s.