Re: The Raveger


Re: The Raveger

lol Now for Bastila, judging from her appearance in TSL, is she a sith? She should be, as her holo speaks sith couldn't hold Star Forge after Revan departed known space. That would also imply that revan is DS and (like I said) KOTOR I DS ending is crap. Officially Revan and Bastila are LS, but it's in conflict with TSL story. That would mean that Star Forge was NOT destroyed, and Bastila and Revan are sith.

Re: The Raveger


I suggest you play TSL in full LS again and when you play make sure you say "but Revan returned to the councel" in a dialogue somewhere instead of "....yeah i know, he fell to the dark side".

Because Kreia tells us if you read the proper canon story (i.e. the LS story) that revan never really fell to the dark side in the sense that most people think.

His reason to become a sith lord and to follow the dark side was to gain power and to strengthen the republic by attacking it. Because the republic had gone on unchallenged for so long, it had started stagnating, become corrupt and weak from the inside.

The only way to strengthen it, was to provide an opposition, attacking it so eventually they can rebuild a stronger more dominant republic without the weaknesses and corruption that it had become.

Revan did not harm key planets in the Jedi Civil Wars. Even if he did, he left the infrastructure intact so that it could be quickly rebuilt. (Like Onderon and Dantooine (where he destroyed the jedi enclave to remove the incorrect teachings they had incorporated, The remenents of that enclave were of course finished off by Kreia))

Revan wanted to make the republic stronger to prepare it for the 'Real Sith'  when they attack. The same 'Real Sith' that Revan went in search of and later the Exile after him.

I hope that answers your question.

Re: The Raveger

The Raveger was a awsome ship and it a great part in the game to play because you are not on a planet or moon.

DEATH TO THE JEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Raveger

I don't remember and side quest, could someone tell me what they were?

Re: The Raveger

Their are many side quests, Witch one are you talking about?