
(38 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

We were pretty close they would stay over all the time and use my computer, I even let them use my email. Had to make a new one because one day my mom caught tgeolder brother texting Konah, I think was there name, and they weren't allowed back but they got to keep the email.


(38 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

Oh no, I was never a member. I would just read things. I've decided that being a reader for awhile and coming back and becoming a member would just be the best way to honor the site and everyone who was apart of it.

I remember because a friend of mine, and his brother would use my name, Master Amos I think was his brother's account. They moved away and I sort of just stopped reading.


(57 replies, posted in Star Wars Universe)

First three playthroughs, never put HK-47 together.


(38 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

I am a new member after a couple years coming to the site and just reading things.

I remember more people being on this. I don't know how alive this is, but I would like bring a new member to what is left.

Thank you for the years of entertainment, I stopped coming here a couple years ago, life got in the way, but I'm here now.


(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)
