(30 replies, posted in Jokes and Funny Stuff)

Your mother is so asinine, that she invested thousands of credits into a buisness that gives tax returns.

Scramble Droid FTW.

It depends on the situation. If I was up against organics, I would use       GO-TO. If it was droids, especially GO-TO. I equip him with a flame thrower and a carbon shooter, I'm set there. Give him some Mandalorian blaster pistols, equip a good energy shield, some nice plating and he's nearly invincible.

Am I the only one that really loves GO-TO? I find him extremely useful. Especially his Droid Scramble. I think the whole party from Kotor1 and 2 should return, especially GO-TO.
(Yes, I am a fanboy, cue hatemail.)