(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: ... EAIS? have we got the right one?


Rico: Why?

EAIS: Its a laugh

Rico: Your going Overload arent you

EAIS: nope

Rico: Thats mean *gets back in ship*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

EAIS: Rico? Were landing.

Rico: *Wakes up abruptly* Oh? okay, *points at a random point on the screen* Take us Right outside the cave!

EAIS: On it

*The ship lands a couple of meters away from the Cave*

*Rico Emerges from the ship, and walks into the cave*

Rico: Hi Ra! I've done some research into the whole Ionian thing and you wont believe what i found, Your Mum Ra? She blew up my planet, also your Dad, He Rebelled against Ionian's, HELPING the Solarians!

EAIS: *Loud speaker* Oh I just tapped into your birth records Ra, Your not a registered Ionian.


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Peril lol
Rico: EAIS? Give me full scale heat sigs on krayt dragons.

A blown up full scale planet is pictured on the screen

Rico: See there? Cave but no Dragon.

EAIS: picking up human and inhuman sigs in the cave

Rico: Take us down

EAIS: ETA 10mins

Rico: Yeah


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico gets familiar with the ship controls before making a slow but steady ascent into the atmosphere, he presses a few controls and Ra's position gets locked on the navcom.

Rico: EAIS? This some high tech stuff

EAIS: I agree.

Rico: There are hundreds of Krayt Dragon caves, how we gonna find them?

EAIS: I could tap into their comlinks.

Rico: Oh do that please


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

*the council shuffles in their seats, whispering to each other*

Rico: Yes yes im a Solarian,

Ionian high argyle Leader:  State your business

Rico: Ra, Shen, Sev, where are they?

Ionian high argyle Leader: you shall not know!

Rico: *holds out hand,* I hold a tracking beam, linked to the Solarian stronghold, do you wanna deal with them? no? THEN TELL ME!

Ionian high argyle Leader:  Krayt dragon cave on tatooine!

Rico: Now, have you got a ship?


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

sorry, i just lost track of whats going on,

Teleporting lol

Rico: *walks to the entrance of the high council*

*two guards block the door*

Rico: Run!

*the guards look at each other then clasp their eyes on Rico*

Rico: The bomb?

*the guards shift in their armor*

Rico: its gonna explode!

*they then look around for a bomb*

Rico: behind you, RUN!

*the guards hightail it out of the area*

Rico: hahaha *walks inside*

Rico: Hello again

Has anyone got X box live and halo reach?
can you add me if you have it:

Rhys Marek


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

god sake, oh yeah do things to my characters but never any of yours



(3,173 replies, posted in The Old Republic Cantina)

New york


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: heh *dodges bullet and walks off* Crazy? Crazy? I'll show them. EAIS?

EAIS: yes sir?

Rico: EAIS, can you give me a read up of the planet?

EAIS: *brings up a 3d holographic model of The planet*

Rico: *Points to a sector on the map* Ionian high council, Call my speeder please?

EAIS: called sir, anything else?

Rico: Just one, Remove Katie from your systems, she is no longer a help.

EAIS: Yes Sir, Finished

Rico: *gets on his speeder, and goes to the Ionian high council*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *walks off in the desert,* grrr *looks behind him at the ship*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *holds up hands* heh *smiles* your not as bad as I thought, strong, fast, forceful, now i know why Katie went for you. *puts hands down* *walks up to Ra* You think you've had enough of me? no no no no NO! trust me, i can turn your life upside down,

Rico: Sev! You do not comprehend how big of a secret you are hiding. Ra the Ionian? Ha! you know Sev they ment you.

Rico: Shen... Ra's brother? no no no no, your just a pawn in this little game the Ionian's are playing with you...

Rico: And Ra... little little Ra. you think there is no way to reverse the effects of mind wipe device? HA! i invented it, I own it, I know how to reverse it!

Rico: *starts to walk* and this is just the begging, The solarians is about to die, and im going to stop you, your all dead to me! *walks off leaving Katie.*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Katie: huh? where am i?

Rico: Katie? its me Rico

katie: who are you?

rico: Ra! *runs back in* what the hell have you done?


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

its fine*
Rico: what the hell? your talking rubbish, i never met your mother.  *keeps saber drawn*

Katie: is this what you say to me? *draws saber* *uses force pull to pull the grenade out of Ra's hand*

Rico: lovely Katie...

Katie: *throws grenade out air lock* Now Ra... why? you loved me... you now push me aside, like an object! I HATE YOU RA! *storms off down the ship*

Rico: *retracts saber and walks up to Ra* check it out *looks in Katie's direction* it has horns. You have pi***d her off bad, *punches Ra in the face, switches his guns to concussion and fires them both at Sev and Shen. he laughs* that was too easy... Katie! *runs off*

I know were not in space


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *puzzled look* oh hi shen. *draws saber and pushes everyone back*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

*Rico and Katie jumps on top of Ra's ship*

Rico: Ill tell you what happened.

*they both enter the ship*

Rico: she died of old age okay? now wheres your kettle, i need a cuppa. *walks off*


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *Com* thats great and all but *Explosion* were under attack. you know, man the holds or... KATIE!!!

Katie: what?

Rico: Activate warp drive to 360x12x89x2....

Katie: no...

Rico: why?

Katie: Ionian or not, they dont deserve to live.

Rico: saying the same thing about the solarians?

Katie: Yes! im not proud to be a mixed breed!

Rico: of what?

Katie: you know... Ionian, Solarian, Human, that stuff... crap

Rico: WHAT!!!! wait, com is on... sorry Sev, Shen.....................Ra...


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *com*Ra... 7 Ionian fighters entered the atmosphere, armed..


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *Com* probably, but after shens stunt, ill provide cover for you... smeghead. *chuckles*

Rico: Katie, provide ship to ship cover

Katie: wait what? have you all completely forgotten the solarians? your the son of the legendary warrior, and you went into exile, their after you, you know that right?

Rico: Um... Oranges


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: *lies on the floor next to them* and that face means you hit the ugly tree too much.


(425 replies, posted in Star Wars Fan Fiction)

Rico: um, *uses E.M.P device to disable weapon systems* their off-line.

Katie: *com* roger

Rico: *sees shen on the horizon with a group of Ionian soldiers* wait *looks up in the sky to see a Ship in the distance* oh no.

Rico: *com* Dare devil to hawk eye come in?

Katie: yeah?

Rico: The Solarians are here!

Katie: wait... what?

Rico: the Ionian's brought them here. were dead...

Katie: Uh oh, incoming transmission from Solaris ship beta alpha 1090908 sector 5.

Rico:*Eyes widen* Uncle...

Katie: Your what?

Rico: My UNCLE!!! *starts to fiddle with watch* shen, sev, Ra? come in, this is Rico, Long story short run!

I like the Solarians