(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

no, but it for some reason, it seems the most common.

i think i would have to go with this:
1. Jolee bindo
2. hk-47
3. Handmaiden


(183 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

I play on PC, but I do agree that they should release it for yall who play it on xbox. yall are just as devoted as we are.


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

no they won't, there will be 1 single survivor who will make a hologram, and then die of natural causes years later.


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

thx, i'll do that


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Now bring up a valid point. So if not malak, than who?


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Eh, be good now, ya-hear?  lol


(92 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Happy new decade, yeah, I am trying fix that.  wink


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Ok then, Good.
For the good "dark side of the force all's happy la-la-land," Be good!


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

He conceded to the power of...
..."dark side of the force all's happy la-la-land”…
...I must use this power for GOOD, or EVIL? I dunno, I'll decide later. wink


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Ha, ha! I knew you would trick yourself. If he dissolved into to the force, he merely whisked himself away to ...
...“dark side of the force alls happy magic la-la-land.”


(92 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Ah, yes, I understand now. Yes it is hard to keep up with all the different post. neutral


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

La la la, La. So then, who ever is not to say, that he woke-up, and made to an escape pod, escaping just before the starforge blew?


(92 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

How is the whole site perplexing? :huh:


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

how is that nothing? it is pretty much the base of the topic. sad


(92 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic II)

Indeed it is. I have nearly halted in my efforts to comprehend this conversation.


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

I never did understand. However, it never really says that you killed him, who is to not say, that Revan knocked him unconscious and left him for dead on the star forge? :huh:


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

I don't no man, tattoos fade, and the dakside of the force is a pathway to many abilities some conceder to be unnatural. wink


(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Sorry I, intended to put 300 years, and here is the link to view the trailer:



(221 replies, posted in The Old Republic (MMORPG))

Hey I just finished watching a trailer for the Tor mmo, and I think Malak is in it. However, it clearly said, "you have spent 200 years building your order up." has anybody else seen this trailer? And if so, are his followers sith assassins in dark jedi robes?  yikes