Master Summers' Lesson 3:

Only with the weak Republic out of the way can the inhabitants of the galaxy truly flurish. Always remeber: "The purpose of the weak is to serve the strong." If one must become an underling then that is their fate and has already been laid before him by destiny. Never heistate to strike down a foe that is weaker or cripelled. They will only seize and opportunity to finnish you.

If you make me a master I would like to become the "Sith Way" master. I will teach the anceint religious rituals and lessons. Also a few powers, such as drain which I have recently perfected.

The Sith religion is an ancient and complex teaching which I have been studying most of my life. My position on the leaders council should be Master of Religion and the Sith Way.

Darth Summers ignites his blood red light saber and begins combat with a Rancor. Summers uses the force to drain its life energy to the point where the creature is sagging to the ground. All of a sudden a burt of electrical energy fries the half dead monster to a cinder.

"Behold! The path of the Sith, the true path!"

Students this is not a lesson but I would like to preach:

Why would one make thy self in the form of a machine? Turn from the Jedi path. It only leads to corruption and herresy! Listen to you Academy leaders, and thou shalt see the truth.

Fellow Lords, I ask to be granted a position on the Sith Academy leadership, one of the 10. The students will benifit from my knowledge.

Darth Summers' Lesson 2:

Students, are any of you questioning what you are taught in these halls of knowledge? Are you thinking the Sith are evil and are corrupting your mind; take heed for the following is important:

The Jedi seek to turn life into failure. They seek to destroy emotion, including love, they seek to bring man to the brink of droids. With semi senses that humans were never meant to evolve. Without greed, anger, love, passion, there is metal and circuits...there is the Jedi. To purge this threat, one talented in the force must be guided down the true path, the path humans were meant to take. To destroy one's emotions is to destroy ones life in a way.

Hear this moral:
Thou shalt not make a human in the likeness of a machine!

Therefor, it is unholy for the Jedi to become such.

Darth Summers' Lesson 1

I will now preach to you sudents:

For those with ultimate power, the only thing they can lose is their power.
Therefore, can there truly be ultimate power, what do we define as this meaning.
Or is it perhaps more like and unending number, we can approach it, but we can never reach it. Remeber this in developing skills as you hunger for more, there shall always be more. Nver feel you have reached yor goals, for this is impossible.

Take heed students and remeber that nothing is gained without lust, greed or anger.

Greetings students, I am a Sith that can weild the power of life draining. As Darth Nithilus before me I have learned to s**k the life from an entire planet.  I can eat the force! We must destroy the Jedi and consume the galaxy in the teachings of the strong.


(45 replies, posted in Editing, Modding and Troubleshooting)

lol, the chaplain gives Pie his blessings


(100 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Yes, and there should be a twist in it like the first 1, and reven should be in it, but just as a party member.


(45 replies, posted in Editing, Modding and Troubleshooting)

Is there any thing I can download that would allow me to build my own custom levels or adventures? If there is could someone give me a link?


(80 replies, posted in Suggestions and Comments)

Hey guys, you know those post games, even though they're kinda lame, It'd be kinda cool to have an old republic game on this site. If you want and example of a post game (in the rong time frame!! it should be in the swkotor time) go to The sith empire. But a swkotor game would atract loads of people to this site.


(100 replies, posted in Knights of the Old Republic III)

Does anyone have any idea when they're even gonna start making swkotor3??

I'll join master