fan fiction scrollVengeance ‘Preview’

 Star Wars

Author’s Notes: I’m having trouble writing the sequel to Precious Memories right now. So for the moment I’m stalling for time with a new series. I haven’t quite decided on the title yet. This only a sample of my work because so far. I made my Jedi women Ariel Revan and Jedi Exile Andria Trelyve. I wanted to test out something different for once. I could get started on the series if you want me to. If not, then at least tell me what you thought about it or give me advice. You can ask me questions about it, I guess. Here goes. Enjoy. I’m listening to ‘Freak on a Leash’ and ‘Rebirthing’.


“Dark Jedi are bad enough but when a woman falls to the Dark Side, you better space yourself before they catch you.” ~Atton Rand


Darth Catastrope smiled evilly down at her helpless and defenless victim. She listened closely for comfort to the victim’s dying breath and the humming of a lightsaber. Blood purged on the floor as she stabbed her blood red lightsaber in his torso. She heard hissing of burning flesh as they make contact. She held her position, still not removing the lightersaber. She used the Force to keep him alive to feel the unbearable agony in every waking moment. She relishes in his pain, his suffering and pities him for his weakness in combat.

Catastrope finally deactivated her lightsaber and placed it in her belt. She removed her hood, brushing her long auburn hair away from her face, and kneeled smugly at his side. Her hood revealed scars of pain and torture on her alabaster face despite her young age. The markings of the Dark Side.

The victim breathed hard as he stared at her face. He managed to gasp, “You! Why are you here? Why are you doing this!?”

“I know it’s been two years since we have spoken. Sorry to disappoint you but I haven’t come here to get reacquainted. You, Jedi Master Zay Zez-Ell, have information I seek,” She stated. “Do tell me quickly before I let you die as you can see, I have little patience for nonsense.”

“Je-” Zez-Ell began.

“Shut up, old man! I’m asking the questions here not the other way around!” She shieked. “Where is she? Where are you monsters hiding her?”

“St-stop all this aggression now! This not the way of the Jedi!”

“Don’t tell me what to do! Your damnable Jedi preaching will end soon,” She hissed as she felt the Master’s life slipping away. ”Might as well tell me what you know.”

“I… I’ll never tell you! It was needed that you and her never make contact! Someone will stop you from doing this!”

“Hmph! Typical Jedi arrogance. You don’t have any right to keep her from me!” She thought for a moment then continued. “I don’t need you anymore.” She flicked her finger at Zez-Ell and shook her head in displeasure as she broke his neck with a sickening crack, killing him.

Catastrope put back on her hood and stood up, frustrated. She felt a tint of remoteness, sorrow, and remorse as she touched her riverstone necklace. The stone lit brightly at her touch and warmed her cold hands. She releashed her hold after a moment. She glared at the corpse for a minute and headed for the doorway. Her journey just begun.


Like I said it’s short. If you like it, please tell me. If you don’t, then I won’t continue on this. I haven’t quite decided on the title. Darth Catastrope, Dark Lady of the Sith. Should I continue from here or start from the very begining? I don’t want to reveal my spoilers quite yet.


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18 Responses to “Vengeance ‘Preview’”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    Please don’t name it Vengeance

  2. RevanBodyguard says:

    what should i name it then? come on, tell me

  3. Darth Shiin says:

    Anguish of the Jedi. (just came into my head)

  4. RevanBodyguard says:

    Anguish of the Jedi. good title. thanks. Darth Catastrope isn’t really a Jedi or a Sith.
    do you mind if i use it, Darth Shiin? should i continue on this story? I asking for your permission, okay?

  5. Darth Shiin says:

    I’m confused, who is Darth Catastope? Is she Revan or Exile? Also, it’s gory. *Smile* And if you ask who Darth Talion is I will tell you in the next couple of parts. But it’s pretty good, not AMAZING but pretty good!!!!!

  6. Darth Shiin says:

    Please, no. But how abouot Darth Ojrihf. U Pronounce it O-jri-hif.

  7. Darth Shiin says:

    Not Darth Shiin, thats my title! LOL!!!

  8. Darth Shiin says:

    But, yes, continue!

  9. Darth Shiin says:

    Darth Shiin/Darth Talion Trivia:
    1.Talions Lightsaber. what color and type is it?

  10. RevanBodyguard says:

    no, i was just asking if i could use ‘Anguish of the Jedi’ as my title
    Darth Catastrope isn’t Revan or the Exile at all, it’s something totally different! yeah, the story is gory. at least it doesn’t have vampires!
    she is Dark Lady of the Sith and her real name is… whoops you almost made reveal her identity! i made up her name just last night! so yeah…
    it will be interesting to see more of your stories and who this Darth Talion is! sorry, i’m keeping Catastrope. heh, heh… yeah…

  11. MaggOnasi says:

    Hi… what did I miss…
    Umm, Vengeance is the name of my dads ‘clan’
    How about ‘Attack of Mical’, and if you want drama, it could be ‘Attack of the horny Mical’

  12. RevanBodyguard says:

    good idea!
    i should write a story about Mical the Disciple stalking the Female Jedi Exile! thanks for the titles!
    i’m watching Creepy Stalker Girl on youtube, my cousin made it!

  13. Pheeramae says:

    I think it’s cool! I wouldn’t have used profanity, but it’s up to you. Is Darth Catastrophe the Exile? Sorry, I can’t remember the name you gave her. I think it was Andria Telvye, or something like that?

  14. Darth Shiin says:

    Yes, use it

  15. MaggOnasi says:

    Yeah, Pheeramae, it was Andria Telvye…

    Creepy stalker girl sounds attracting… I guess…

  16. Darth Shiin says:

    Use Anguish of the Jedi!!! You have my permission! KEEP WRITING!

  17. Pheeramae says:

    Yeah! Keep writing!!!

  18. MaggOnasi says:

    Sarcastic,”Yeah… keep writing…”
    jk XD

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