fan fiction scrollFearless- Part Three

 Atton RandExile (Female/Light Side)G0-T0

The mercenaries immediately drew their blaster rifles as others whipped out vibroblades. Sashé easily deflected the blaster bolts back into the mercenaries’ guns, making them exploded. Mical knocked the vibroblades out of the hands of the rest. Terrified, they began to run out of the cave. Mical began to follow, but Sashé stopped him.
“Let them go,” she said, releasing Master Vrook from his cramped prison. “They won’t cause much trouble without their weapons.”
“So you haven’t changed a bit, have you?” Mast Vrook barked when he exited the cage. “Always rushing into action without considering the consequences.”
“My apologies,” Sashé said. “I was just trying to help.”
“Help? If you want to help, get to Khoonda immediately. The mercenaries are planning an attack and I need to reach the Administrator.”
“Well, what can I do?”
“Get to Khoonda and the Administrator will tell you,” he said gruffly. Vrook activated his green lightsaber and vanished into the cave.
“That was Master Vrook?” Mical was surprised. “His personality hasn’t changed much, has it?”
“No. I don’t think it ever will.”
“So, what now?”
“I guess we’d better get to Khoonda and see what exactly the deal is here.”
As Sashé and Mical left the cave, mercenaries surrounded them. The leader, who bore an old, nasty scar across one eye, an eye that had no iris or pupil, walked forward with an assuming air of confidence.
“So you are the Jedi I’ve heard so much talk of. I am Azkul, the leader of the mercenaries on this God-forsaken rock of a planet.”
“What do you want?” Sashé asked cautiously.
“Straight to the point. I like that. I will be equally as blunt. I’m going to take control of Khoonda and you’re going to help me.” Sashé gave Mical a glance that clearly meant ‘Stay quiet’.
“What did you have in mind?” she asked Azkul.
“My sources tell me that the defenses of Khoonda are weak. Taking ought to be no trouble, especially with a Jedi Knight by my side.” Sashé appeared to think it over.
“What will you give me if I help you?”
“Anything you want once I have control of Khoonda. Within reason, of course.”
“Of course. I’m not an unreasonable person when someone’s on my good side.” For a moment, Azkul looked shaken, slightly afraid of the woman who stood before him.
“So will you do it?” he pressed.
“Sure, I’ll help you,” she conceded. Mical glared at Sashé.
“Just return here when you’ve finished . . . ‘preparing’ Khoonda for us.”
“Will do.”
Sashé walked away casually, as if nothing had happened. Mical ran up to her and turned her around forcefully.
“What were you thinking? Without the Administrator, Khoonda will fall. Without Khoonda, Dantooine will fall. And when Dantooine falls, the rest of the Republic will fall with it!”
“Omigosh, Mical, can’t you tell when people are lying? I told him I’d help him because we’d never leave alive if I told him no.”
“Your tactics are horrible! Why can’t you just resort to peaceful negotiations like normal Jedi do!”
“Because I’m not a normal Jedi, in case you didn’t know! And it wouldn’t matter anyways! I feel the tint of the dark side on him; he was trained by Sith during the wars! Negotiations wouldn’t have worked anyway!”
“May I ask a question?” Mical asked, exasperated.
“I guess,” Sashé agreed reluctantly.
“Does the place Citadel Station mean anything to you?” Sashé flinched as he said it.
“Well, not emotionally, no. Why?”
“Just curious.”
“That’s not the whole truth. Why do you want to know?”
“You want the truth? Fine! I heard about Peragus II. That’s where half the galaxy gets their fuel. And Citadel Station needs it more than any other planet!” Mical’s face was turning a pinkish color as hid voice grew louder in anger.
“I know, I know! But I didn’t destroy Peragus!”
“Then who did?” Mical’s usually calm and thoughtful voice was sarcastic.
“Darth Sion.”
“I told you, Darth Sion. He’s been trying to kill me since then and for your information, I am not an escaped criminal! The Telos Security Force never told me that I was formally charged. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Lieutenant Dol Grenn said that my companions and I were cleared of any charges. They had ascertained the fact that the Republic warship, the Harbinger, had been present as was responsible for the destruction of Peragus. There! Is that what you wanted?”
Mical was taken aback at the ferocity of Sashé’s words. He regretted his selection of words and even the poor decision to ask her about it at all.
“Well, um, yes. I mean, no. I mean . . .” Mical faltered. “I apologize. I thought that you were an escaped criminal. I had received an order from the Republic to ask you if you would ever return to Citadel Station.”
“Go back to Citadel Station? Have you been chewing spice? I wouldn’t go back there unless I had something to show for it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I told Lieutenant Grenn that I would look for another fuel source. I’ve found one, but I haven’t worked out the details yet. See? I’m not all bad. Just when I get ticked off.”
“Yes, I can see that I was wrong about you. I thought I sensed the dark side in you. Now I can see they were just emotions.”
“Wait, wait. You could sense that? Mical, I really think you should fulfill your destiny and become a Jedi.”
“Now is not the time,” he repeated. “I honestly don’t think there will ever be a time.”
“Very well.”
When they reached Khoonda, Sashé burst into the Administrator’s office in a rather un-Jedi-like, boisterous manner.
“The mercenaries are about to attack Khoonda!” she announced as she threw open the doors.
“I know,” the Administrator said calmly. “Master Vrook here has told me everything. Although his ‘rescue’ complicated matters a bit, I am thankful you brought him back safely.”
“What are we going to do about the mercenaries?” Sashé asked.
“I do not know,” he Administrator answered sadly. “This is Zherron, our head of the militia here on Dantooine,” she said, indicating a tall, shady-looking man on her left.
“Yes, we’ve already met,” Sashé said, nodding to him. “So what is your plan?”
“We’re gonna send ‘em right back to where they came from,” Zherron answered, his deep, gravelly voice a stark contrast to the Administrator’s soft, silky tone.
“Could you elaborate?”
“It’s a simple plan. The mercs probably have two goals in taking over Khoonda: to kill me and the Administrator. She’ll be locked up tight in her office, but that’s no guarantee that they won’t get through. Right now, the turrets are offline and the military droids that we’ve managed to scavenge don’t work. No one knows why.”
“Let me guess,” Sashé said knowingly. “You want me to reprogram the turrets and repair the droids.”
“That’s about right,” Zherron said. “If you can do everything in your power to make Khoonda as strong as possible, the mercenaries should have a harder time getting through.”
“I’ll do my best.”

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3 Responses to “Fearless- Part Three”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    I like it! I never found out how to get The Diciples name.

  2. Pheeramae says:


  3. Darth Shiin says:

    Well, I really don’t care, I know his name is Mical.
    Read Part 11! And comment

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