fan fiction scrollKnights of the Old Republic: Shadows of the Light Chapter 7 (Re-publish)

 Atton RandBastila ShanCanderous Ordo

Chapter 7


Revan walks back and forth aboard the Ebon Hawk as the ship moves silently through hyperspace. Lost in thought, Revan is not even conscious of where his feet were taking him. He wanders around, distracted while Bastila’s body lay in the vacant captains chair.

“I can’t believe she’s really dead,” Revan said, “we were together only a few short hours ago.”

He continued to stare off into space. However hard he tried, his mind kept coming back to the image of his wife’s death.

“I should have been there for her,” Revan said, slamming his fist against the compartment door in front of him. “It was my job to defend her, and I failed.”

Without warning, the compartment door slid open causing Revan to pause and look up. In the compartment, was the armor he used to wear as Darth Revan. He gazed long and hard at the body armor sitting in the compartment in front of him. His mind flashed back to Reika’s offer, “take your place as my left-hand man, and your friends will be safe.”

“If it ensures my friends’ safety it might be worth it,” Revan mused.

“What am I saying?” he exclaimed, “I can’t seriously be thinking about joining him, he’s evil.”

“I need to hurry up and get Bastila’s body back to Dantooine,” he resolved.

Sealing back up the compartment containing his past, Revan went back to the pilot’s cabin to check the status of their flight.

“We’ll be back home soon Bastila,” Revan said.

He sank back into his chair and lost himself in deep meditation as the ship continued its course to Dantooine.
(time passes)
The Ebon Hawk jerks out of hypserspace in orbit around Dantooine. Revan, startled, looks up to see the planet looming closer.

“We’re here Bastila,” Revan said, looking down into Bastila’s closed eyelids and impassive face.

The Ebon Hawk slowly made its way towards Dantooine and upon entering the planet’s atmosphere began a slow descent to the surface. From the enclave, the gang saw the Ebon Hawk land and immediately rushed to the scene. Upon arrival, no one had yet exited the ship; Carth, Telia, Atton, Canderous and Dustil crowded around in hopes of seeing Revan appear safe and sound. However, what they did not expect was to see the entrance ramp lower, and to watch Revan walk slowly out carrying the body of Bastila cradled in his arms. Wordlessly, Revan walks through the crowd of onlookers. He does not look at any one of them, instead fixing his gaze on a point above and beyond them. The crowd parts to the left and right to allow him passage. Revan continued his somber march all the way back to the house, followed at a distance by everybody else. Upon reaching the front door of the house, Revan collapsed, and let out a force scream that could be heard for miles around.

“Revan,” Telia asked, “what happened?”

Revan said nothing, just shook his head and stared at Bastila’s dead body.

“Who killed her?” Carth inquired

Again, Revan said nothing.

“Where the hell have you two been?” Canderous barked.

Slowly, Revan lifted his head.

“I went to the deep core,” Revan said, “to look for the person or persons responsible for the attack on the enclave.”

“I found two dark jedi,” Revan said, “it was one of them who killed Bastila.”

“Dark Jedi…” Atton puzzled, “I thought their kind was gone.”

“Often times,” Canderous said, “it is when you believe the enemy to be gone, that he reappears in force.”

“They must have been some Dark Jedi to outwit and defeat the both of you,” Dustil spoke up.

“I don’t know how it happened,” he muttered, “the only thing I can think of is that I knew nothing about them going into the battle.”

“Not to mention the fact that I haven’t had a serious battle in a long time,” he concluded.

“While all of this is indeed very sad we need to prepare the funeral for Bastila,” Jolee said, working hard to suppress the shudders of sorrow in her voice.

“Agreed,” replied Canderous very solemnly.

Revan alone carries Bastila to the enclave’s funeral area. Upon reaching the archway, he finally breaks down and begins to weep openly. The rest of the group stands in shock, having never seen Revan like this before. Their fearless leader, their commander, always so calm even under the direst of circumstances, who stared death in the face on a near constant basis, was humbled by the loss of his wife and companion.

“I let you down,” Revan sobbed, “I should have been there to protect you and I was not.”

“For that, I can never forgive myself.”

Everyone stands in total silence, hinging on every word that Revan speaks.

“But, there is something I can do,” Revan continued, his voice strengthening with resolve, “Bastila Shan, I swear to avenge your death.”

“No matter what it takes, no matter where my journey takes me, no matter what the cost may be: I will find the people who are responsible for your death and take from them that which they so casually took from you.”

He kissed Bastila’s hand and then backed away, as her serene body was engulfed in flame.

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3 Responses to “Knights of the Old Republic: Shadows of the Light Chapter 7 (Re-publish)”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    Already Read this….

  2. Darth_Cyvan says:

    sorry about this but we were sure we posted it but to let you know chapter 8 is almost done

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