fan fiction scrollKnights of the Old Republic: Reunion – Part Three

 Atton RandBastila ShanCanderous Ordo

Author’s Notes: Okay, I’m happy of what I’m done so far. This is Part Three of Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion – Revan’s and Carth’s Marriage. Now I ask myself: Should I get payed to do this? Answer: Yes, of course! All of us writers on this site should get paid for our hard work. I stayed up late at night writing – I seriously need a nap. But I wrote Reunion for my half-sister MaggOnsai because it’s part of her birthday gift. Sorry, I couldn’t get it done in time. So the pain is totally worth it. The reason I didn’t add Juhani is that she’s lesbian for Revan and I think she’ll wreck the wedding with her mood swings. Nobody wants that, right? So pretend she died on the Star Forge or she never existed. I got the wedding idea after the the comic book Star Wars: Union. Which was about Luke Skywalker’s and Mara Jade’s wedding.

Krypteria, Dolis 3


The planet is cold and harsh to many inhabitants living here. The streets are filled with unemployed souls wandering the streets begging for credits. The conditions ran down terribly low ever since the Sith Empire was destroyed. Nobody would ever live on this world by choice. They were forced there, forced to live into hiding. They used to work as Sith troopers under Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Because they have no where else to go to. To call a world their home. No matter the season, it still snows day and night everyday. The homeless live on the streets and alleys wearing nothing but rags.

Jean Lyra knows this as she watch them everyday. She came to the planet that was her birthplace – where was created. She called here by her leaders and she’ll come as ordered. She wanted to forget all the terrible memories of her childhood. The horror and the terror of her abuse, her neglect - she wants to forget it all. No matter what she does to forget, starting a new life, changing her identity, it’s always comes back to haunt her. Jean Lyra is a clone – Revan’s clone. Proof lies on a birthmark – a bar code tattoo on her right shoulder. She, like many others of her kind, are clones Revan and Malak created during the Jedi Sith Wars.

Jean walked across the snow and watched her breath come out in wisps in the bitter cold air. She checked her left wrist which contains a transmitter device for where she must go. It beeps a red light constantly towards a old abandoned building that used to be an cantina. She quickly consealed her wrist under the sleeve of her robe. Just in time too because a beggar approached her.

“Spare a credit? I’ve been out of work for a long time.”

“I don’t really have anything to spare, sorry,” Jean said.

“Oh? That’s a poor shame then, “The beggar walked closer. “I think you’re lying. What do you got there?” He pointed to her left hand.

Jean kept her hand to her chest as she backed away. She must not show the transmitter to anymore. ”Nothing.”

“Let me see that,” He grabbed her hand. “What? You have nothing in your hand.”

“That’s what I told you, Sir,” Jean struggled to get away but he has a good grip on her. “Now let go of me. I have somewhere to go.”

“Not a chance,” He took out a knife as to pose a threat. “You’re coming with me, woman.”

“Not going to happen, street trash!” A male’s voice called out. Jean heard a object coming by. She quickly duck as a throwing vibroblade perfecting aimed at the beggar stabbed him in the thoart. The body felled down dead. His blood flowing onto the snow. Jean tried to stand up but she’s weak from hunger. She hasn’t have her daily meal for a while. She looked at the dead man hungrily.

“Are you okay, Jean?” The man who saved her asked as he offered his hand. She took a good look at his face. He bores Malak’s face – he’s a clone. His name is Trev Severous.

“Yes, thank you. I’m so glad to see you, Trev.” She took his hand but stumbed a little.

“This planet has lost order the last time we were here, sis. Nobody hardly pays attention to violence in the alleys. You have to be more careful next time.” Trev looked at Jean. “You haven’t been eating have you? If you did, you couldn’ve have protected yourself. Why haven’t you?” 

“I’m… just not hungry anymore,” Jean lied as she stared at the dead body.

“You have to or you’ll die,” Trev removed the weapon as he lifted up the dead body. ”Here take a drink of blood. You must to survive.”

“No!” Jean kicked the body away. “I can’t stand this anymore! Killing people and drinking their blood! It’s wrong!” She burst into a fit of coughing.

“That’s it! You’re going to eat whether you like it or not!” Trev bit into the body’s neck to get a mouthful of blood. He kissed Jean to force it down her thoart. Some blood tickled down the side of Jean’s mouth. When he got it in, he released her. “Do you better now?” He rubbed off the blood with his thumb.

“Yes, Trev. I just want the fighting to end.” Jean’s eyes glittered with tears.

“It will be soon. Revvan and Malaak had returned and contacted us here. So that means Mother has come back to lead us again. Only she could lead us again.”

“I hope you’re right, Trev. I really do.” Jean said sadly as they walked to the abandoned building.

“Welcome Brothers and Sisters. I’m glad you all came here today as ordered. Or else the transmitter in your wrists would have sent poisonous toxins into your bodies. Probably killing you in the most painful way.” Revvan called out from the stage. She giggled at her little joke. Malaak stood at attention beside her.

“Reveal your tattooes or else you will be called a traitor and you’ll be most certainty killed on the spot!” Malaak called out.

All the Revan and Malak clones, including Jean and Trev, rolled up or ripped off their sleeves to show the bar code tattoo on their shoulders.

“Good. They are all yours now, Lady Revvan.”

“Anyway, we all know that our Father, Lord Malak, was killed by our Mother, Lady Revan. Malaak and I tracked Mother and tried to convince her to lead us. Well, here’s the news: Mother refused and we must kill her and all other traitors to the Sith Empire. Kill them and those who stand in our way. Assassinate Mother, Andria Trelyve, Atton Rand, and Bastila Shan. Then at last we can focus our attention to the weak Jedi Council. Remember that Mother’s blood could kill us. Don’t give in to weakness nor mercy.”

“Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, we gain strength. Through strength, we gain power. Through power, we gain victory. Through victory, our chains are broken. The Force shall free us.”


Coruscant – The Red Rancor

“The Red Rancor? I don’t know, Atton, I’ve heard bad things about this place. Even more so at night,” Carth Onsai told Atton as they arrived at the place. It’s a red building venting smog and smoke in the air. It’s unusually warm even in the chilly night air.

“No, that’s when the fun begins. Would I ever steer you wrong? You gotta be here,” Atton grinned. “It was Andria’s idea that I should take you to a place like this.”

“Andria told you to take me to a slum like this?”

“No. She told me to take you to somewhere special while she and the girls handle dress shopping. So here we are. I’m throwing a party that is clearly tradition, a proud one, a Corellian one.”

Then Hunter, Ariel Revan’s apprentice, approached them. “Master Revan has ordered me to watch over you two tonight. To make sure that you don’t get in trouble or get yourselves killed.”

“Oh, really? Why don’t you just go home now then? We don’t need you?” Atton asked.

“No, I can’t Mister Rand. Not unless my Master says so.”

“Naive kid,” Atton muttered. “Stop calling me mister. I’m not that old.”

“I believe you are, sir,” Hunter surpressed a smile. “I’m only 19 and you are quite older than me. So that means you are.”

“Just let Hunter stick around with us for a bit. Revan did tell him to come here and she will kill me if the kid gets himself missing,” Carth suggested. “Just look at the kid – he’s not going to budge an inch.”

“Alright the kid can come,” Atton sighed. “Kid, you can go inside or stay outside – I don’t care. Just don’t get in my way.”

“Yes, Mister Rand. Only when I need to,” Hunter said passively then he turned to Carth. “And thank you Mister Onsai.”

“No problem, kid. Just don’t get on Atton’s nerves too much.” Carth gave him a thumbs-up.

Atton entered the building as Carth followed him and Hunter treaded inside carefully.

“Whoa! Atton, is everyone here? How did you get everyone one here?” Carth laughed.

“Yeah, pretty much. Some were invited by Andria. Others came along for the ride uninvited.”

“Wow! Andria got the wedding under control, doesn’t she?”

“Yes. Usually Andria rushes head-on situations instead of planning them first even when it’s bit over her head. Everything goes well afterwards. Always does. That’s why I love her.”

Canderous Ordo also known as Mandalore, Jolee Bindo, Mical the Disciple, some Republic buddies, Jordo, Dustil Onsai, Irene Sachi, Zaalbar sat at the largest table in the cantina. They all greeted Atton and Carth joyfully.

Zaalbar picked up a large keg of beer and growled. A waitress walked by to fill everyone’s cups. Hunter just seated himself at a nearby table watching as activity goes by. He didn’t notice that two beings wearing black hoods were stalking them.

“To see my friends and family here, I don’t know what to say,” Carth said.

“Saying is for other times, Carth, this calls for fun… a toast…” Atton raised his cup and everyone followed in his lead. “Let’s give a toast to Carth Onsai. To the man who has saved the galaxy, on the eve of his greatest adventure: marriage!”

“I’ll drink to that, sonny!” Jolee said before draining his glass. Then everyone joined in and soon drank the beer.

“Now this party calls for a little fun!” Atton called out. With a little push of the Force, he made a ruffian grab Carth by the shirt. Carth didn’t know what was going on. Zaalbar held the ruffian from behind and threw slide down crashing into a table. The impact knocked over a glass of liquid. The liquid spilled over a very pissed-off alien. The alien snarled as he threw Carth in a window, breaking glass everywhere.

Then everyone in the Red Rancor started to fight each. Kicking and punching each other like crazy. Swoopies met face to fist. The waitress and Irene screamed in horror as they scrambled to find cover under a table. Two guys – Dustil and Jordo jumped from a table and jumped in the fight. Mical lifted up a rug and tossed it over some  incoming swoopies while Atton sidekicks straight at them. Mical then use the Force by clapping his hands to crash two idiots in a collision. Someone grabbed Hunter by the shirt but Hunter gave him a headbutt. A woman threw a vase at Atton’s head.

A person took out a blaster to shoot at Carth and Atton. One of two beings wearing black hoods, Jean, quickly redirected the attack and disarmed the person.

“Thanks, we owe you one!” Carth told Jean.

“Watch out!” Atton shouted as a swoopie was about to hit Jean with a sewer pipe from behind. Another hooded figure, Trev, told Jean to get down while he tripped the attacker over her and on the ground.

After the Red Rancor brawl was over, most of the swoopies were knocked out cold or sleeping on the floor. Everyone was bleeding and their clothing was torn rather badly.

Jolee was lying on the ground. Mandalore noticed this, “Whoa, you got beat up good, old man. Need help?”

“Your help? I don’t need your help. I need to sleep.” Jolee muttered.

“What? Either that guy hit you too hard or not hard enough…”

“Shut up and help me up, dammit!”

Carth touched his face, he winced in pain. It’s badly bruised. But Atton looked much worse. His hair wild, his clothes torned up, and his head bleeding.

“You okay, Carth?” Atton asked.

“Sure, but next time, let’s go for a much nicer cantina,” Carth groaned as Atton helped him up on his feet.

“You’re marrying Revan. Do you really think there will be a next time?”

Carth saw the black hooded figures standing in a corner and went up to them. “Thanks for saving our lives back there. I’m Carth Onsai and you are….?” He held out his hand.

“I’m Jean Lyra and this is Trev Severous. Charmed.” She shook his hand. “We’ll be seeing you soon.”

“Hey Carth, we better get out of here before the scandal-reporters get here!” Atton yelled.

“Coming!” Carth left to rejoin his party.

“Jean, Revvan and Malaak won’t like this. You saved Carth Onsai! Did you see any reason to save him?” Trev scolded Jean.

“A good reason… yeah, um, yeah, I had one… We can’t let him die in a public place.”

“Oh, just forget it. We’ll do better next time. No mistakes. Let’s go. We’ll go after Mother instead.”


Andria Trelyve’s and Atton Rand’s Apartment


“Atton, what in the galaxy happened to you?!” Andria said, surpised as Atton walked through the door.

“What do you mean, sweetheart?” Atton shrugged.

“You’re bleeding. A lot. You have bruises covered all over your body. Have you been in a bar fight again?” She cocked her eyebrow.

“Yeah, it’s not that bad this time,” Atton said. “We just had a little fun that’s all.”

“This is the last time I’d ever let you choose a place to have a party,” Andria grabbed Atton by the arm and led him to a couch in the living room. “Sit here. I’m getting the Kolto pack.”

“Andria, is that really nescessary? I told you that I’m fine.” Atton yelled out to the next room.

“Sure you are. Would you rather have me call Mical to come over to treat your injuries instead?”

“Hey, I’m just kidding about me being fine. I’m in pain, honest. Just don’t call him over here.”

“That’s what I thought you would say. Geez, Atton, what in the world did you do to yourself? You have cuts everywhere and your head is bleeding,” Andria returned with the pack. “Take off your shirt. I see there are a lot of holes in it.” She clean up the blood and applied some kolto on the wounds then fitted a bandage on his head.

“There are nothing but some scrapes and bruises – that’s all. They would’ve healed in time if you didn’t do anything to them.” Atton said, sitting up.

“I don’t want you to end up killed in a drunken brawl like my old Master did. Okay?” Andria said quietly. “Bad stuff happens when you party drunk. You could end up sleeping with someone like Kreia or worse.”

“Look, I appreciate your concern but I could handle myself, you know,” Atton said. “I’m not such a heavy drinker anymore.”

“Is that so?” Andria glared at him. “Well, I guess you can handle sleeping right here alone tonight while I have the bed all to myself.” She got up and started to walk to the bedroom.

“Wait Andria, I didn’t mean it that-” He stood up to follow her.

“Goodnight Atton. If I don’t find you here by morning, you’ll be in even bigger trouble than you are now.” Andria said, her back facing him as the bedroom doors closed automatically behind her.

“Whoa, she’s pissed. At least Andria isn’t beating me with a lightsaber,” Atton lied down on the couch, he stretched his arms behind his head. “She can never stay mad for long. Looks like I’m staying here for a while. Better make the best of it.” 


Carth Onsai’s Apartment


“Revan, I didn’t intend for him to hit me. Things like that just tend to happen.” Carth explained when Revan asked him about the bruise on his face.

“Hunter was supposed to protect you and Atton. It seems he didn’t do a good job. Things like this just don’t just happen, Carth.” Revan said as she got some ice for the swelling for Carth.

“You don’t go out much with Atton, do you?” Carth asked as he pressed the ice against his face. “Don’t be so hard on the kid. He did his best but at least he didn’t hurt.”

“Let me rephrase that then: they don’t just happen right before my wedding, Carth,” Revan turned to Carth. “Did the ice help stop the swelling yet?”

“Nope, it still hurts a lot,” Carth placed the ice down on a counter.

Revan touched his face, on side that doesn’t have on the bruise mark. “Well, here, a kiss to banish those worries, and to help you heal…” She kissed him on the lips.

“You can banish all my pain and worries, Revan. A kiss, a smile, just being here.” Carth placed his arm around Revan, bringing her close.

“That’s something I hope to do for the rest of our lives, Carth, together and forever…”


That’s Part Three. Part Four coming up soon. Please tell me what you think! Sorry I couldn’t get this on time, MaggOnsai. Hope you can forgive me.







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One Response to “Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion – Part Three”

  1. MaggOnasi says:

    XD XD I missed my birthday so don’t worry XD XD


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