fan fiction scrollFearless- Part Two

 Atton RandExile (Female/Light Side)G0-T0

I took some liberties with the dialog from KotOR II, so if you recognize some of it, don’t think it’s something creepy. N’joy!

As Sashé talked with the Administrator, Mical stayed behind, in one of the corridors, contacting Admiral Onasi.
“Admiral, it’s Mical. I have found the Exile.”
“Well done, Dorati. What was your impression?”
“She seems docile. I do not think she will cause any trouble. Actually, she seems to be helping others out of their tough spots. She actually saved an elderly man’s life.”
“Did she tell you this or did you witness it?”
“I was a witness.” The admiral nodded, thinking.
“Ask her if she plan to return to Citadel Station anytime soon.”
“Citadel Station? On Telos?”
“May I ask why?”
“Of course. She was sighted within the Citadel recently. Actually, she was under house-arrest when she disappeared.”
“Is she a wanted criminal?” Mical was shocked at this piece of information.
“No. The Republic had decided to take a wait-and-see approach. But if anything remotely questionable comes up, let me know immediately.”
“Yes, sir.” Mical saluted. “Dorati out.”
Just then, Sashé walked out of the Administrator’s office.
“Well?” Mical asked, as if nothing had happened. “What’s next?”
“Cave crawling.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m going to destroy the kinrath in the Crystal Caves. You sure you want to come?”
“But I can handle myself.”
“I’m sure you can. I just want to make sure that you won’t run into trouble.”
“Why?” Mical hesitated.
“Because to me, you are still the Master intended for me.”
“Uh-huh.” Sashé gave him a strange look and for a moment, Mical wondered if he should have said something else.
When Sashé and Mical approached the opening of the Crystal Cave, Mical reached into his belt, and his face turned white.
“Mical? Something wrong?”
“I don’t have a weapon.” He hated himself for saying it, but he wasn’t about to lie to her.
“Here.” Sashé pulled two vibroswords out of their sheaths on her back. “Take these. And don’t worry, they’re sharp.”
“That’s not what I was worried about.”
“What, then?”
“That.” He pointed ahead.
A huge kinrath was running towards them, but before Michal could raise his swords, Sashé opened her palm as if she were going to push it and suddenly, it flew back and hit the stone wall of the cave. It did not move when it hit the ground.
“What did you do?” Mical asked, his voice full of wonder.
“I pushed it.”
“Through the Force, I assume.”
“Right. Come on,” she said, walking around the corpse of the kinrath. “This way.”
The duo approached the opening of a small inner cavern. Inside, a group of mercenaries was going about their business, not yet aware of Sashé and Mical. Sashé put a finger to her lips and pointed to the activated force cage in the corner. An elderly man stood in the cage, a blank expression on his face. Sashé boldly walked up to the mercenary who appeared to be in charge. The merc whirled to face the Exile.
“This is a restricted area,” the merc said gruffly. “Get lost.”
“What is Master Vrook doing in a force cage?” Sashé asked casually.
“He’s a Jedi Master?” The merc raised her eyebrows, pleasantly surprised. “Well, the bounty will be that much sweeter then.”
“You’re not taking the Jedi,” Sashé said forcefully.
“And who’s stopping me? Not a couple of corpses. Men, attack!”

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8 Responses to “Fearless- Part Two”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    I like it, a lot.

    Why isn’t the Han-

    Oh wait, the Diciple replaces Handmaiden when your a female.

  2. Pheeramae says:

    Thanks! When do you findout the Handmaiden’s name on KotOR II? I’m assuming you have to play as a guy to discover it. Does she ever tell you?

  3. hehe, i love it when Mical’s in action for some reason, don’t ask!

    you have to play as a male exile and have a lot of influence with the handmaiden, eventually convincing and training her to be a jedi. when Kreia knocks you down, handmaiden takes Kreia to Artis. she tries to fight Artis after killing her sisters, but failed. then you go in to fight Artis, you win then handmaiden reveals her name to you. do you want me to tell you her name or find out yourself?

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    Not too much influence, and the haindmaidens name is… *******

  5. Pheeramae says:

    Well, actually, I thought her name was Brianna. Right? Does Mical ever tell you his name in the game? Or what about what happened on Dxun? I sent Atton the first time I played, and he wouldn’t tell me. So I sent Mical, thinking he’d tell me. Well, every time I ask, he always says, “Not now. Maybe we can talk about it later.” I don’t think it’s an influence issue though. Help! I really want to know what happened from his point of view.

  6. Darth Shiin says:

    Yeah, her name is Brianna.

    I always thought that Micals name was just Diciple.

    Now I sound like an idiot…

    And you all are going to say, “Because you are one.” Don’t worry, I’m expecting it.

  7. Darth Shiin says:

    But don’t call me an idiot…

    I’ve beaten Kotor I like, twenty times and It’s still not boring. Peeramae, just get Kotor I on the internet, that’s what my friend did.

  8. Pheeramae says:

    You’re not an idiot. But if you say you are then . . . JK. =) I used to think his name was Disciple too, but then I was like, “That’s a dumb name.”

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