fan fiction scrollContinued Again

 Atton RandStar Wars


You walk out of the Academy. Zii had seen the despair in your face and he had come over. You were expecting a kiss, but all he gave you was a loving and comforting hug. A tear shed down your face while he hugged you. “Thank you.” you whispered in his ear while he hugged you. As he hugged you a hot blonde woman passed you and Zii. Zii’s eyes shot open. He stared at the woman. You get REALLY PISSED OFF. “Why were you staring at her?” you ask, narrowing your eyes. “I wasn’t.” Zii responds. “I’m not stupid, I saw you staring at her.” you say. “Well, sorry, sometimes it’s hard to… not see… things….” Zii responds. (Okay, I really want to put up an Atton Rand picture right now, but I don’t know how to). You start tearing. “No, its fine, obviously you find her more attractive than me, so, let’s break up.” you say. “What!? No!! I like you! I REALLY like you!!” Zii says, his eyes widening. “Na, you bore me. Bastard.” you mutter. Out of all the man like traits Zii has, a tear comes down his eyes. You turn away, trying to persuade yourself that the tear in your eye is just the sun glare.


“Zii, go to the Ebown Hawk, get Deisa to come here.” you order him. “Yes. But, Jessica, I didn’t mean to-” Zii starts. “Save it.” you say, glaring at him. He looks at the ground. “Yes.” Zii murmurs. He runs off. “Umm… is it my fault that you and Zii broke up?” Minati asks, looking slightly guilty. “No, it was him, and him only.” you respond.
Deisa appeared.
“Hey Deisa.” you say. “Uh, did anything happen between you and Zii? He looked pretty bad last time a saw him… which was 3 minutes ago….” Deisa asks. “Yes, we broke up.” you respond. “Oh.” Deisa says. “Hey, did you and Bastila ever break up?” you ask. “Well, I turned to the darkside onc–” Deisa started. Minati cut him off. “You what?” Minati asks with a shocked expression on her face. “Yeah, I have a confusing past; it’ll take a long time to tell you.” Deisa responds.
“So, did you hear from Bastila when you were on the ship?” you ask.
“Yes, she had news.” Deisa responds.
“A, a house on Coruscaunt was on fire, yeah, and umm… their pet Giza… Mindy… somehow managed to… send a hologram – that’s right – to the Jedi and the Jedi saved the owner.” Deisa says, his eyes looking in random places on the ground and the sky.
“You just made that up, didn’t you?”
“Yes, not a good actor, that’s why I can manipulate minds.” Deisa responds.
“Then what did she say?” you ask. “Uh… she wants me to come back to Coruscaunt soon, to see me and… my… body….” Deisa says, it looks as if he doesn’t completely know what he’s saying.
“Umm… okay. Can we just do the mission?” you ask.
You and the crew run away of the Enclave. You follow the Masters instructions exactly. You run up to a building that is 3/4′s underground and covered in grass. You run up to the entrance. The entrance has a giant barrier, blocking your entrance. You try inserting your lightsaber in the door. As soon as the saber makes contact with the door the saber un–ignites. Your head clashes onto the barrier. “Shit.” you say loudly. Deisa walks over and gently rubs his hand on the barrier. “I’ve never seen th-” Deisa stops, smiling.
“Revan, you have been clever.”
:. They have Deisa, but you are smarter than that, what was their real reason for blocking this? :.
“For the last time, stop invading my head.” Deisa says, holding his head tightly. :. Do not resist, I know that there is nothing important in your brain, you are everything I despise. But now I will stop, but I will come again. You were so close :.
Deisa exhaled a long breath. “Everything okay?” you ask. “Fine, everything is fine.” Deisa says while fake smiling.
“‘Course it is.”
Minati walks up to the barrier. “This can’t be opened at all. It’s literally impossible.”
“No, no it isn’t impossible.” Deisa says, shaking his head. “Oh, how do you suppose we get past then?” you ask. “Force.” Deisa responds. “Um… none of us are strong enough to push that barrier with body for–” Minati starts. “I meant the Jedi type of force.” Deisa explains. “Well, I don’t believe in the Jedi….” Minati says. Deisa looks at you with a, “Aren’t–you–going–to–get–back–at–her–for–saying–that?” type of look. “NO!” you mouth at him. Deisa rolls his eyes. “What?” Minati asks, noticing the exchange of looks between you and Deisa. “Nothing, it’s just, why do you follow me if you’re a Non-Jedi supporter?” you ask. [Influence: Failure] “I just do, and my problems with the Jedi are my own, I do not wish to indulge you with my problems.” Minati responds.
You walk back to the enclave, planning on telling Dorak about your little encounter with the barrier.

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7 Responses to “Continued Again”

  1. Darth Shiin says:

    Okay, that’s the end of Part 12. Now the next ones going to be called, “Robes in the Ground.”

  2. MaggOnasi says:

    Sorry, I had to rush to read this (arrgghhh, school work)
    It was pretty cool!
    “Robes is the Ground”
    Does that mean they quit being a Jedi… wait you can’t quit ‘stopped’ being a jedi?

  3. Darth Shiin says:

    No, it has to do with Revan’s Robes

  4. Darth Shiin says:

    I think when Deisa says, “She missed me… and… my body….” I laughed SO HARD when I wrote that.

  5. “A, a house on Coruscaunt was on fire, yeah, and umm… their pet Giza… Mindy… somehow managed to… send a hologram – that’s right – to the Jedi and the Jedi saved the owner.” that one sent me laughing. as well as Bastila misses Deisa and his body. LOL!
    Influence: Failure] “I just do, and my problems with the Jedi are my own, I do not wish to indulge you with my problems.” man, i hate that line -hearing it over and over again with Mical

  6. Darth Shiin says:

    I want to show the similarity between them.

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